Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Jai Sri Ganesha,
Saints have enlighten the guidelines for a virtues life to adore with and that is,

Maintain the conduct towards all that guided by love, righteousness and justice,

 One must devote self for spiritual development with time and before time,

One must remain ever ready to embrace the truth and discard the untruth in life to the best of knowledge and faith,

No one should be content with promoting his own good alone; one must look good for all,

Man must subordinate themselves to the laws of society to promote welfare at all levels,

One must keep helping attitude even in adverse circumstances, the whole world is creation of god that one need to serve in true spirit,

Pray and serve be the prime subject of life for man at all stages,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please