Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, May 28, 2011

true owner

Storms of miseries are bound to disables the pillar of faith but true devotees maintain true spirit unto faith. It is faith alone that keeps the reservoir of peace.

Mystics on the cord of life find intense peace in the midst of activities mare by the practice of truth and faith.

One needs to strengthen faith in mercy of God, more one acquire faith in him, find self in closer orbit. Rest assure that no one is so benevolent, kind and loving as that of God, to have faith in one such itself is a path to success that leads one to the ultimate glory of being human step by step.

Whatever possession one keeps is nothing but his mercy, he is true owner of each and every thing either mortal or immortal and those keep faith in him paves the path of success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please