Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, January 9, 2010

friend of forlorn

Love alone attracts lord; let those who are curious take note of it. Disinterested love attracts affection of lord. Love is the easiest path to reach at, though love itself is a great penance if taken in true spirit.

True devotees of lord never value the worldly affairs but the love in the lotus feet of lord.

It is very auspicious omen if one gets involved in divine love. Happy throbbing in eyes and arms of devotees indicates the very presence of lord near by. If one attains the close association of the lotus feet of lord, there is nothing good like that.

O mind it is kali and who else is true friend of forlorn then lord Shiva, please adore the lotus feet of such compassionate lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please