Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sri Sri Brahmacharini

Today is second day of most auspicious sharad Navratri which is known for devotion in the lotus feet of divine mother Sri Sri Brahmacharini.

Mother Brahmacharini is deity of penance and austerity. It is austerity and penances that result in ultimate good on the path of truth. Mother is Bestower of wishes and compassionate for one and all whoso ever take refuge in her.

Divine mother brahmacharini is legend of power and wisdom. Sri Sri Mother Brahmacharini is propitious all the way to one and all. Those adore the lotus feet of mother feel the difference in life at its positive cord.

Easy of access to all on any day but these days are really great to make it to purify self for ultimate glory of being self.

Four rewards of human existence are easily attainable to any one make it to reach at the lotus feet of divine mother on these days.

My lord blesses all.

Thanks please,