Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Controlling the mind is undoubtedly difficult but those take refuge in true saints make it to reach at, dispassion and spiritual practice helps in to control the freckle mind. Yogis easily make it to reach at through the practice of yoga at its true pace.

Disinterred service to the mankind and nature helps in brings the mind at true pace.

Speaking words of inoffensive mode, true their self, beneficial in nature helps one to attain true pace of mind.

Serenity of mind, gentle ness, thoughtful speech and purity of heart matters a lot to regulate mind at its true cord.

Concentration meditation and all other modes are to bring the life on true track relate to mind alone. It is perfect state of mind which matters to ultimate success in life. Living environment effects the mind most hence it needs optimize and fair living atmosphere to hence control on state of mind.

Those take refuge in lotus feet of lord Shiva makes it with all ease.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.