Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Devotional chapter

One may not be aware of the pure mind but impurities of mind are known to all in this mundane existence whether one realizes it or not. When mind goes beyond the orbit of control it may leads to impurities and with a little realization one can be aware of the faults.

Impurity of mind consists in the conflict between intellects and the sense perception mode. Feelings, actions and destination if differ from their true track it results in impurities which leads to unrest.

Devotional chapter in life helps in on the subject. Once one track the true course of life, it leads to purity of mind then yoga, intellects and eternal love develops itself. Master key to attain purity of mind is divine spirit. Submission in the lotus feet of lord makes it to reach at.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please