Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, February 28, 2025

Tomorrow marks Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Tomorrow marks Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti, an auspicious occasion for devotees and aspirants to renew themselves through sincere observance.

Additionally, it is an auspicious day known as Sri Phaloria Dooj, or the Dooj of the lunar half. This day is considered auspicious regardless of astrological yogas.

This is an opportune time to engage in the eternal Yajna, invoking the presence of a saintly soul, whose austere penance transcends words.

In many instances, sincere observance of this day ensures success in endeavors. Furthermore, devotees are blessed by the compassionate presence of the mystic, who graces their spiritual journey on this planet.

Jai Mahadev.