Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Life as a man

 Jai i Ganesha, 

Life as a man is different altogether for soul, it is to live in in the light of conscious both relative and perennial truth to reach the ultimate destination of soul,

Consciousness is a inner light to discover the hidden target as well as the hidden gate of Body which is discernible to thought and deeds of man in life, 

Mystics, saints and sages have done all in this format for self and enlightened the path for aspirants to follow, they have offered their testimony in many forms and aspect to meet the truth of challenge of being embodied in human skeleton,'

It is for man to wake up and honor their truth through respective deeds as prescribed by the time supported by the truth of saints and sages of the era and ages,

Jai Mahadev