Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, a defined day to reconcile self in truth with self through adoration of the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu by varying chapters available with,

Indeed, a day for Sri Vishnu Pad Puja, not just to offer oblations but to reach the truth of Lord Vishnu, a Savior for both worlds,

Ocean of transmigration is really tough to cross even for those who are well versed in their truth of intellect and mind,

It needs extra help either to sustain in mundane reality or to maintain fair existence in subtle truth, and Lord Vishnu is truly a Reliable truth and Sri Ekadasi is the day to make it, 

Vishnu Vishnu Vishnu 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Yajna of Sacred Saawan is in progress with message of hope and light for life, 

Time to restrain the mind to lead self to the truth of sanctification, 

Controlling the mind at its optimize pitch could be a biggest participation in this Scared Yajna, 

That may help to renounce the unwanted attachments even to the worldly kinship which create barrier between self and the truth at many locations, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Sri Shravana Somvaar

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Shravana Somvaar, a day that induce hope even in those with totally hopeless,

In Shiv Cult Somvaar is a blessed day to help devotees even out of proportion irrespective of merits, 

Presiding deity of the day is Goddess Gauri and this day celebrated like anything by Gauri and distribute the fruits of eternal gains to devotees to make it to the truth of sole cause of being Man on the planet,

Philosophers may differ unto exact nature of the day but substance of hindu Thoughts in cult with celestial reality bypass them at once, in other words, it is a day of nectar to imbibe the respective to rejuvenate self and in Scared Saawan it yields fast and yields like anything, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please

Friday, July 26, 2024


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Truth is an defined aspect of spirituality, Truth embodied in transparent reality, compelling simplicity of its dispersion and needs no blind faith,

Discourse of truth could be the path of truth, there infinite aspects of truth and infinite streams to reveal it, yet not that easy to reach in subtle reality of truth,

Life that surcharged in truth with Maya cover the truth and clouds it with illusion for a hidden cause and makes it tough task to that simplest reality we all belongs to,

Falsehood proves the man most and in course man lost to the wildness of falsehood, the path way to transmigration, three natural propensities of man that doing, feeling and thinking mostly goes vain in lack of truth, Know Shiva to be a truth and Saawan could be a path to reach, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yajna of Sacred Saawan

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Yajna of Sacred Saawan is in progress and it to meant especially for men for their eternal evolution through practice of respective discipline in truth with cult that relates to,

The conduct of the man may help him to reach his three state of conscious thereby to awaken its body conscious through fair participation in meaningful sacred actions that free from any kind of pride and ego,

In process man may attain to that pitch of consciousness which facilitate him in realization unto his very self,

 And this makes man to get rid of his false identification with body and cult of body and reach the optimize stage of renunciation to ensure self safe passage from hereafter,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi is being celebrated by celestials in truth of Scared Saawan to mark the day in cult divine, Sri Ganesh Chaturthi of Sacred Saawan is with much more mileage to cover eternity of self fast, 

Infinite stories relates to the glory of the day, in nutshell, adoration of the day could be a milestone to recover from delusion of journey individual faces time and again, 

Ganesha is known for being a eradicator of obstructions which causes life tough more than even as meru mountain to deal with,

Adoration of the day yields in both worlds favorably, man may misread the truth in existing conditions but Ganesha is a reality that helps in need, helps with need, and update the essentials in truth of eternity with immediately and effects may appear a bit late with requisite time and occasion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Yajna of Sacred Saawan

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

Yajna of Sacred Saawan is being being performed by celestials on the planets and devotees and aspirants are being participating in this truth of Shiv Cult,

Fire and water co-relates to each other and cause to one another in hidden reality, so is the truth of this cult of Saawan which relates to the Shiva and the Vishnu,

Water is known for being an aspect that manifested from the austere penance of Vishnu, is being used mostly in Shiv Lingam Pujan, oblations made to neutralize the hype of both that to pave the path of individual spirit to remerge in its pristine source,

Gangaajal is the truth of severe austere penance by Brahma in that age hidden in itself yet manifest for oblations, Brahma offered this nectar in the lotus feet of Vishnu in that age to gratify self through the result of his austere penance, and through Vishnu it reaches to shiva in varying forms including Kawaers that hosted by devotees to mark self in truth with Yajna of Sacred Saawan,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sacred Saawan

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Saawan has started with its pristine truth to help devotees in their austere penance to reach their inherent wealth to make it suitable,

Five mondays of this cult are defined milestone to make it for all the five forms of beatitude, 

In factual truth it is a month to serve that in silent truth of service without any mimic show, not a chapter for impostors for show business to deceive fellow being in color of this cult, 

It can never be a chapter of barter system that to do this to gain that to perform this to achieve that, it is Shiv cult far above the truth of worldly affairs, imposters are bound to meet the doom of their truth sooner or later,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Mother, revere pollen dust from your lotus feet

I bow to the Guru none other than my mother in truth of divinity, ocean of mercy and compassion whose truth is sunbeam to dispersing the mass of gross ignorance 


Mother, My mother, greet your lotus feet

I bow to the Guru none other than my mother in truth of divinity, ocean of mercy and compassion whose truth is sunbeam to dispersing the mass of gross ignorance 

Obeisance To you, O wonderful Sat Guru, revere your lotus feet with all faith and reverence



Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Impious thoughts and unrighteous conduct has taken the life by force, very few exceptions are there, 

Chaos in truth and justice is the biggest breaking link in fiber of fair society, 

Need of the hour is be introvert to sooth the burnings soul from the fire of injustice being delivered in the name of justice,

Fire of discord has taken the charge from the humblest hermitage to the greatest kingdom, try to prevent self from this painful fire by diverting self to the inner world of seclusion to safeguard the essential truth, a must in journey hereafter, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

From the book of life, pages repeatedly quotes that need not to prove self to anyone else but to your own self, 

Be honest to self, be sincere to self, be trustworthy to self alone, forget about the delusive world and worldly men,

Try to convince self  in truth with self as convincing others will be for than futile on all aspects of life,

Sports of Maya that delusive potency of God is hard to perceive, serve the inner self eternally through prescribed syllabus of eternal truth to update it for that day of changeover, rest is illusion,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Make a note unto reality in life that alone comes to be that alone is going to take place,

Enjoying the spirit of deceiving someone, is a worst chapter for man and is going to carry on with this baggage for long in truth of transmigration, 

Kali age is a age to deceive fellow beings to attain gains on varying aspects of life, but this is a trap of Maya to screen the souls and send back to the degraded reality among species,

Make a not on the screen of self, power of divine grace is far beyond the truth of measure, power of deluded in the sphere of life to deceive the honest, poor, and week is negligible in context to that power,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

poor, honest and weak

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

All decrees of God are equipped with hidden or manifest mercy,

Mostly decrees of the system are indifferent in themselves on mystic reasons and embodiment of favoritism, 

For the time being effected individuals have to bear with hidden tears, 

Know for sure that everybody in this world is seized with a hidden or manifest fear, they pass on their sins on poor, honest and weak to justify the decree,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima today on the even of Sri Guru Purnima, that Sri Ved Vyas Jayanti,

We live in this world of Maya that embodiment of falsehood, it is not that easy to protect the essential truth and Sri Satya Vrat Purnima could be chapter from celestial cult to help spirit suitable,

Life suffer most from the falsehood especially in case of men, and Sri Satya Vrat Purnima may help help aspirants in vow for,

Human is at the threshold of liberation but in charm with Maya barter truth for falsehood in many aspect of life, no other being barter his truth for material gain but men, other being can never tell lie and man hardly speaks truth that in covering of lie, adoration of the day in discipline with truth may help spirit to recover to meet the cause of being man,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Sri Pradosh today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh today on the even of Sri Satya Vrat Purnima, and at the threshold of Sacred Saawan, a month known for the adoration of lotus feet of Lord Shiva, the Universal preceptor, that Sat Guru,

This evening is meaningful for devotees of Lord Shiva to mark self in truth with divine cult and fair participation, 

A designated cult to impart sanctity to self, a prime chapter for soul embodied in garb of human,

Pradosh could could be a milestone to establish self in truth with shiv cult, a favorable chapter which could be materialized for eternal sankalp,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

to a limit may be a truth of identification

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

I-ness to a limit may be a truth of identification, beyond that it is a delusion when connect of possession in mileage of pride and ego,

I-ness could be a truth which may represent for Atman but for short only, thereafter it would be a chapter of ignorance,

Falsehood of I-ness is infinite in nature that its referral truth unto identity, thereafter it causes identity clash, a barrier to unified in truth with self,

Yet I could be an meaningful reality when man knocks himself to ask, Who I am, This question that embodiment of I-ness may address the self suitable with time and occasion for those who earnestly engaged with this query,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sri Ekadasi Today,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, Sri Dev Shayan Ekadasi, an enlightened chapter for men to make it for eternity of themselves suitably,

From now, gods will enter in in truth of their austere penance for four months from now for mystic reason unto truth of their relation with spirit and matter,,

In mundane world, it could be an opportunity to rejuvenate self for men in the light of the day to make it for eternity of self,

In these four months, life on the planet passes through many aspects of mysticism in both aspects of life may suit aspirants and devotees to imbibe the most from this celestial cult, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sacred Saawan,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life is at the threshold of most awaited Sacred Saawan, now it is in the sight of life, not far away from here, just a week to reach, 

A month that embodiment of Shiv Bhakti in itself and helps the devotees and aspirants like anything to reach the designated truth that essential for being a man in journey of life,

This Saawan is meritorious in many ways being starting in vicinity of Shravan Constellation and concluding with Purnima that enriched with truth of  Shravan constellation, this itself forms a mystic yoga to invoke spirit for the cause eternal, and sky chart suits this truth favorable,

Each day day of the month is a part of this Sacred Yajna known in the name of Sacred Saawan to enrich the spirit in embodied truth to untie the unwanted knots of Maya and reach Lord Shiva

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Sri Bhadaria Navami today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Bhadaria Navami today, an auspicious chapter from the laps of celestial cult, a day embodied with numerous favors for life, being hosted by Monday, presiding deity Goddess Gauri has enlightened this reality even more beautifully for devotees and aspirants, Swati Nakshatra has elaborate the Truth Of Chatra Yoga that auspicious by nature and giver of long lasting fame, 

An open end opportunity for devotees and aspirants to make it for themselves suitably for the immediate cause and cause eternal,

For start of an new event, auspiciousness of the day impart power and light to reach the designated milstone with all ease and favorably, 

Adoration of the day may help spirit to reach that state of contentment to repose peace eternal to gratify the soul burning in friction from karmic baggage,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

This week

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Asaad has entered in its last quarter with many legendary chapters in its laps, Tomorrow, it is Sri Bhadaria Navami, an Unsudha Saya, a great mahurat especially for hosting marriages,

Devshayani Ekadasi on 17th of july, though an indifferent chapter through reasoning yet an auspicious by nature at the threshold of Chaturmas, a span for mystics and gods to update self with truth of new light and new era in the sphere of eternity through hidden reality of austere penance,

Sri Pradosh on 19th July with many mystic chapters in its lap, missing cult of dwadasi yet a favorable preposition for aspirants and devotees with many other aspects of the day,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima on the eve of Sri Guru Purnima on coming Saturday with a gracious day in truth with thick Assaadi Yoga to oblige the aspirants and devotees for their penance in truth with Sacred Asaad,  Guru Purnima of coming Sunday that Sri Ved Vyas Jayanti. 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Jai Mahadev

 Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Shani Dev

Jai maa kaali

Jai Maa Kali 

Cosmic conscious is supreme

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Discoveries of time and varying cults active in truth with life have revealed many mystic chapters to facilitate the embodied self in journey of life at threshold of liberation,

Macrocosm and microcosm in differents planes of life exists in truth with Pind that body from five sheaths, and all govern by a hidden form with core center at cosmic truth in truth with cosmic cult,

The whole creation either animate or inanimate plays in truth with conscious, cosmic consciousness impart the referral consciousness to individual beings in truth with respective format, 

Cosmic conscious is supreme all the way, could be the cause of that Shabd Brahma, the primal cause of creation, adoration of celestial cult may help suitably the spirit to make it for the cause eternal,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Terrible power of death and destruction

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

Terrible power of death and destruction is an aspect of Maya to rearrange her truth to charm herself, all living entities pray fall to it sooner or later,

Living entities are infinite moths that speedily rushing to fiercely flame in deadist charm to make it, 

Men alone is with the light of wisdom to reconnect self in truth with its inherent links and reality to make an fair escape,

Though designated end will look like a death but it will be a changeover to ascend to a higher region for the truth of inherent peace and bliss,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

aspects of truth unto sanctity

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Penance, holy observations, pilgrimages and ablutions are aspects of  truth unto sanctity,

Sancity is the subject at its most for men to make it,

With the truth of sanctity, manifest the contemplative knowledge that leads spirit to the truth of introvert life,

Introvert life makes it easy to have access to that obscure region of heart with truth of ultimate reality to make it,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

art of worship

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The art of worship hardly differ from the art of service, sanctity connects them both at a defined meridian,

Offering a leaf with sacred mind, is a service in his honor as well worship in truth with self,

So is the truth of multiple Yoga's that make it to the truth of sanctity and submission, 

Combo of yoga and sacrifices relates to the truth of cause eternal in flavor of sanctity,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

to reach unfathomable

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Offering food to the body repose to mind is known in truth with life, 

Performing oblations in the Yajna of life cause gratification to the soul, 

Gratification of soul induce pace to provide that requisite access to the threshold of beatitude, 

And that threshold lies within self to reach unfathomable, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Restrict the negative force

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Restrict the negative force arising out of hidden fear to overshadow the life and its cause, 

Know for sure that the almighty God is always along with, that acts without being indulge in any kind of barter system,

Try be be with self, is the place of God to found in proximity

Know God to be a giver of life, and taker of pains, most luminous that may enlighten the self suitably for a fair perspective of life, recover and revamp self in truth with self to reach inherent joy,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Benevolent are holy saints

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Benevolent are holy saints,

They merely act as messenger of that world,

They mostly distribute the fruits of that World,

God exists, where the holy saints are, Guru Purnima could be a milestone to make it, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Know God to be an infinitely compassionate

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

God has created this world out of himself in truth of sankalp from cult of his eternity,

God rules over the world in gross reality through his Maya, 

Indeed, mysticism is an aspect of God and in truth with mystic reality, has created this world of disparity,

Know God to be an infinitely compassionate and easily approachable through prescribed syllabus that compatible to men most, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Philosophical spectacle

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

Philosophical spectacle of human reality relates two chapters at its base truth,

First is Jnana that True knowledge to make to the truth of fair life in moral value of self,

Second stands taller than first and that id Bhakti, an aspect of submission without being in tough with pride and ego,

Balancing the life in truth with both at their optimize pitch may make it to the truth of self that already at the threshold of beatitude,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 8, 2024

aspire to attain a state that free from sufferings

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Those, who aspire to attain a  state that free from sufferings, must look to elevate self from the horizon of self, 

Aspirants needs to reach their higher nature to cut short the truth of suffering in journey of life,

Intellect at its gross mode mostly pitched at a underdeveloped state that mostly drag the life to the truth of suffering on infinite aspect, in conjunction with mind,

To a fully evolved intellect help suitably intercept the wandering mind act swiftly in hidden reality and rescue the self from referral sufferings caused by either ignorance of self or from the fellow beings, , 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Atman Darshan

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Truth is the pivotal reality of righteousness that Dharma, Dharma is one that universal with embodied with truth that gross, subtle and beyond subtle, 

Referral truth parts with truth of daily life that bases on fair dealing without being involved in any kind of deceit,

Federal truth is a truth of unity among mind and intellect in the sphere of Atman,  

Universal truth is the reality that existence in persistence which to manifest spirit and matter for short stay in varying format and recall them to merge with time and occasion, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Jai Mahadev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Commitment and confidence is truth of inner reality individual embodied soul possessed with,

External condition do impact upon this reality but not unto that extent, it is inner truth of individual that reflects the truth of his commitment and confident, both makes it complete the fair cycle for self,

The moment man deviate from his commitment is bound to get lost in wildness of immorality, which ultimately drain out the essential truth, a must for journey hereafter, 

cordial truth in between intellect and mind may lead man to the truth of self with commitment to self with will that confidence to make it for the cause eternal,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Know saturn to be a mystic planet with hidden instinct to indicate varyingly on nature and life on the planet, no one can blindly quote anything about its experience in person, 

Majority of people on the board of life takes saturn as a frightful planet that mostly indicate evil propensities but this just a half truth, 

Saturn is planer that perennial in nature with persistent truth may looks as if hard to bear for many but in reality as it takes pace in cult with time through its position in sky chart with mystic yogas, it act as fast as moon, to pick and drop with karmic baggage of individuals, 

One factor alone cannot decide the indicative truth of any planet in zodiac chart, one aspect can never define the fate at respective span of time either it is tough saturn or mild mercury, karmic baggage and truth of moral unto individuals reflect as mirror image in majority of cases, better be realized to reach the truth of Saturn,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Try to listen the whisper of time for men in the journey of life especially those facing hard time and repeated failures in their endeavours, 

Failure once or in multiple numbers may not describe the truth spirit bears along with, success and failure are superficial reality, winning note in truth with self is lasting reality, man needs to realize,

It is quote of the time in truth with ancient scripture that loss or gain, fame and infamy, birth and death lies in the hands of providence,

Man must not lose heart at failure through deadliest chapter but teaches eternally all well, never let failures to overpower your spirit, never feel week in your person, no one knows about the precious gems available with spirit in its hidden lot, any time they may strike the self to overwrite the superficial momentary failures, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Sri Amavasya today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Amavasya today, a defined day to indulge in discipline of the day to sanctify self through mild application of self that to discard the unwanted Karmic baggage,

This Amavasya is mystic in itself being venus is an add on in conjunct of sun the moon that zodiac sign Gemini, which facilitate the aspirants and devotees to perform respective blations in cult of the day,

A Brahman from other side is hosting this Amavasya, could be a favorable chapter for many worldly men in different aspects of life,

Time speaks in silent truth unto the discipline of the day to revamp self suitable by worshiping a holy Brahman, this act may be superior to hundred other sacrifices being performed on the day, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Sri Shivratri today,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Shivratri today on the eve of Sri Amavasya, Thursday wisdom has enlighten the Glory of this sacred Chapter, Being hosted by Thursday, color of Brahmanism has been added to this reality of Shiv Ratri, 

A gracious occasion to oblige devotees and aspirants, a cult divine for spirit to rejoice in truth with eternal celebration, 

The self is known to be the smallest than smaller and greatest than greater thata resort in vicinity of heart along with supreme reality and awaits an opportunity for fair orientation to cut short the ties of Maya and adoration of the day in spirit may help,

Devotees revere the Lord Shiva and make relative oblations to Shivlingam to glorify the night of life for the dawn of the day with truth of light of the self,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sri Pradosh today

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

Sri Pradosh today on the eve of Shivratri, conjunct of shiv cult to bless the devotees and confer bliss upon them,

Day to recall the pastime of cosmic soul known in the name of Shiva, Shiva that destroyer of sins and sorrows, 

Know Shiva to be an embodiment of Truth, love and beauty, a legend to adore to reach inherent truth of self,

Great seers and sages of eras and ages have endows us with truth unto reality of Shiva that to update self with truth of cause to make it before that sunset,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today to rejoice eternally in truth with cult of Sri Vishnu Pad Puja, 

Sri Ekadasi is not limited to the truth of Sri Vishnu Pad Puja but a day with infinite aspects to indicate infinite favors to self in love with truth of the day,

It is a pious chapter which not only indicate sanctity to self but enlighten self for the truth of cause eternal, 

In Brij Bhumi this divine day is celebrated like anything with truth of self, devotees enjoin the celebration in truth of sanctity and simplicity to mark self in truth with Day, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please 

Monday, July 1, 2024

to reach the truth of spirituality

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

If anyone wants to reach the truth of spirituality, respective discipline is the subject which concern with body and mind at the respective pitch,

Discipline to reach the truth of spirituality needs never mean taxing the body and mind beyond a horizon, 

It means it to practice truth in life to meet the truth of reasoning and realization to discriminate the things concern with, 

Discipline of the day could be a chapter to mark self with respective activities as prescribed by the cult of the designated day, and needs to be pitched at the truth of reasoning and realization to be optimize unto truth of celebration,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please