Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sri Ganga Dushera,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganga Dushera today, a legendary chapter to rejoice eternally in truth of nectar available on the planet  in the form of celestial stream known in the name of Sri Ganga, 

It is appearance day of Sri Ganga ji, presiding deity of River Ganga, 

Sri Ganga is not just a gateway to heaven but a truth to revamp self for the beatitude, 

A comprehensive truth of divinity in embodiment of a River that to update self with requisite for journey hereafter, day to revere the lotus feet of Mother Ganga with all faith and reverence, Obeisance to you Mother Ganga, rever your lotus feet from core truth of my being,  

Jai Maa Ganga