Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

time to instropect

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

It is time to instropect self in truth with recent past, time to revamp agenda a new on dawn of the day for next chapter of life,

Need not to be dishearten for lacking and failures, life imposes upon individual for varying reasons manifest and hidden causes,

Desires are but natural in journey of life to inspire individual to carry on with, but extravaganzas in truth with desire need to be avoided, 

Try at its best to accommodate the life to rejoice the spirit of journey, imbibe the best from the past and be hopeful and optimistic to felicitate the journey, if things goes with wishes, it is good, if it goes against the accepting horizon, now for sure, something good awaits,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Somvati Amavasya is being celebrated in high end enthusiasm by devotees and aspirants to update self with cult of truth and the cause, spirit belongs to,

It not just an conjunct of Sun and the Moon in the name of Amavasya which relates the mind and soul at same pitch but a Yajna to prepare self for the next,

Indeed, the truth of the day support the truth of spirit and help it to attain that sanctity which is a must for human in journey of life on the planet,

An opportunity to attain the religious merits and virtues to dispatch them to that region for ease of journey hereafter,adoration of the day may rewrite the truth of destiny in favor,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sri Shivratri Today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Shivratri Today on he eve of Sri Somvati Amavasya, a day to mark self in truth with devotion to the lotus feet of Lord Shiva, the supreme personality in Sanatan Cult,

Shiva is the first and last deity in hindu cult to relate the truth and cause in the form of life and existence,

Shiva is much more than what it available to know about him through chapters of time, in one of its aspects, is truth of centrifugal inertia, to impart truth of animation in mortals and immortals,

In an aspect of Life, Shiva is the last resort to reach, in another aspect, Shiva is the life force to bless the individual spirit in its own task to make it to the tune of self in journey of Life,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Shani Dev


Jai Maa Kali


Sri Pradosh Today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh Today, on the eve of Shivratri, a defined day which may help devotees reach innermost self to quench the desire of being party to that Truth,

Not just a day to adore Lord Shiva, even otherwise flux of the day help in regaining the will power at its optimize truth to sustain in journey of life with truth and dignity,

Attachment to this day in truth with self could a milestone to make it to the truth of self, the most concerned subject in journey of life,

Seekers must enquire themselves unto the truth of mean to disable the cloud of illusion to reach the light of wisdom and adoration of the day in truth with self could be a positive preposition,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Teachings of the ancient sages

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Teachings of the ancient sages are most precious wish yielding gem for man and mankind,

They invested themselves in eternal commitment to reach at the mystic reality of life in the planet,

They created serene ambience from their aura of penance midst of nature to relate the life and respective truth, 

They were great scientist in their own person and create their own eternal tools for acute observation in both facets of life, their sensitivity elaborate the truth of comprehensive relation of celestial bodies to the life on the planet, and lay down the cult of devotion to reach at the pitch of mysticism intac within self,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, day to adore in truth with self, a day that great giver that embodiment of generosity to help spirit both ways in both worlds,

A defined day to approach and reaproch the self eternal for fair compliance of journey to sail safely,

A day that may help spirit to decorate and redecorate in truth with inherent cult of self in truth with religion eternal,

Adoration of the day help man to reach Prayag of philosophy, mythology and rituals, to have a holy dip to sanctify self, indeed a meaningful gracious day to look upon and adore with truth of self,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Worship of God

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Worship of God has grown into a formidable cult with its own philosophy, myths and rituals, man adore it either compulsion or as duty of being man in journey of life,

It needs a fair realisation to reach the truth of prayer, indeed place, time and occasion plays pivotal role,

Yet simplicity of self in truth with self is a must prerequisite to enjoin this sacred chapters designed for men to sail safely,

Amy mimic show neutralize the truth of this fair aspect, any kind of burden in performing Puja equates the truth of mimic show, living a life in truth with moral and inherent cult of self, itself is a defined truth of prayer for man irrespective of hardship in life,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


faith in God mostly

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Our faith in God mostly remains pitched on conditions, If it fulfil our earthly desires, it consolidate our faith in God,

If we loss the task and attain to failures in the sphere of life, we are bound to loss faith in God,

Wildness of life visits all with difference of time and put forth hidden challenges to prove self, and it truly needs extra strength and help, giver could be the God alone, 

Though God is beyond the horizon of barter system yet he reacts in truth with reality of individual spirit in cult of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Transcendental experiences

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Transcendental experiences of all ages have support the truth of eternity though a subtle reality yet a glaring truth for awakened,

Man may deduce a distinction between the times but the truth of reality possessed in core truth of eternity,

Facts unto truth of the day light reality may have their hidden version to support this reality because of mysticism of Maya, the rule of life,

Yet eternity is most valued chapter for men in journey of life to make it to the truth of self in truth with self to sail the life safely,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

In broad classification Yoga has its four aspects to relate the life to man with philosophical, emotional and psychic reality,

Karma Yoga is inevitable to all embodied souls to sustain in truth with journey and reach that shore of changeover,

Jnana Yoga is meant for man in gross reality to attain to the truth of being man especially in context with supreme reality to identify with,

Bhakti Yoga is a subtle truth to invoke self to reach the horizon of eternity within self to help self that to reach the sole cause of being Man, There is a Yoga more a superficial in terms but in touch with vibes of all the three relative Yoga and that Known in the name of Raj Yoga, 

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Shani Dev


jai Maa Kali


Time has probed into the mystery of life

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Time has probed into the mystery of life and has revealed many aspects unto truth of virile life,

Human birth in the sphere of life is most covetable , an open end opportunity to embodied soul to make it to the tune of higher destinies,

Human is verily blessed with truth to enter in sublime truth of self to reach the sole cause of being man, 

Time and nature support the human at its best, it is not that time and nature alone but whole celestial cult felicitate the man to recover from the deep down points of being embodied in cult of mundane life, man may make best out of it,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, December 20, 2024

celestial stream

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The rivers of the country is known for being the life line of the nation, 

But glory of river Ganga is different than others, it is lifeline of the soul in journey of the planet in embodied form,

No religious act can be performed without the water from this Holy River, a guaranteed truth to sanctified both  the Yajna and the performer of Yajna,

Every soul keeps hidden quest t have a holy dip in this celestial stream to ensure safe passage, cult of Posh support this truth in hidden form,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday Wisdom


strength and all greatness lies within self

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The secret of all strength and all greatness lies within self, and man may attains to, to reach higher ladder of self evolution,

As the starts the process of eternal transforming self through the practice of truth and morality, attains to requisite strength to interface the life at its optimize pitch,

Without truth and morality, life as a man is more a futile than reality,

Truth and moral could be the best ideal since ancient time to make it to the truth of self that to sail safely in mundane reality of this world,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today, a defined day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha, the bestower of boons and giver of favorable fate,

Day to recall the pastime of Lord Ganesha, the loving son of goddess Gauri, a tangible support for devotees and aspirants, 

Adoration of Lord Ganesha ensure safe passage at that shore of life, and help devotees in their referral and perennial tasks, 

Worship of Lord Ganesha on the day is alike a Yajna that effective and beneficial in all eventualities, anyone who wants to be healthy and happy life may enjoin the elite society of devotees of Lord Ganesha, eternally through mild practice of self in truth with self,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Hamaro Pranaam


Hare Rama


light and sound show

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life in broad spectrum is a light and sound show being performed on the planet and varying individuals participating, in individual capacity,

In any Yajna fire and Sound relates the truth of oblations, it could be a physical fire from wood, of eternal fire with oblations through silent pitch of sound or manifest truth of respective pitch of verses,

As the oblations are made, eternal evolutions starts at once, but it needs persistent approach to maintain it,

Fumigations of respective materials in Yajna yields eternally in subtle truth of self, it matters the most to soul in embodied form, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 16, 2024

The mystic month

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The mystic month from the celestial calendar posh is here with dawn of cult divine to earn religious merits through discipline of life in truth with morality,

The Punarvasu and Pushyani constellation rules the truth of this month, Sri Aditi and Lord Jupiter will felicitate the truth of this mystic cult,

The cult of the month is hosted by Sobhya and Shubha Yoga, hence a easy milestone to reach for aspirants and devotees to make it for their eternal self,

Lot of religious events will take place both ways to charm the spirit to make it for eternal growth to meet the truth of final destination safely,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sri Snana Daan Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Snana Daan Purnima today, it will last till 2:23 PM, thereby starts new horizon of Paush/ Posh, a month with many mystic realities to highlight the Yathard of life and its varying relates, also known in the name of Mal Mass,

This Paush/ posh month of celestial cult will last till 13th January till 4 AM next morning, and paves the path to welcome Sacred Magh, on 14th January, the day of Makar Sankranti, which relates the truth Makar Rashi that zodiac sign capricorn, 

Paush Purnima at the threshold of Makar Sankranti is a unique milestone for aspirants and devotees to update self in inherent cult of self,

 After many decades this coincidence occur to celebrate and rejoice eternally, this will be a legendary occasion to enjoin the Yajna by divinties in the Name of Kumbh,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

If any one at its deep down reality of crises,

If persist shadow of failure stalking since a long,

If weakness of self has become more than burden to bear,

Take refuge in lotus feet of Lord Saturn for dawn of the new chapter with new lease of life in truth with realized self,

Jai Mahadev,

Jai Shani Dev

 JaI sri Ganesha,

Saturday light is here to dispel the dark of delusion and heal the wounds of journey,

In refuge of Bhagwan Shani Dev, prayer is heard and tears are wiped, differed justice is referred, 

Compassionate truth of Lord is verily experience by the devotees, 

Dark of the ill fate is eliminated  with sincere appeal in lotus feet of Lord,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev


Jai Maa Kali


Jai Mahadev


Sri Satya Vrat Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima today, a day to introspect self in truth with truth of the self through application of self in truth with discipline of the day to reach the truth of that liberation at that shore of changeover,

Indeed, the truth of the day is ruled by the truth of Bhagwan Sri Satya Dev, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Vishnu-the infallible, dispeller of ignorance and sole architect of the universe,

Know as universal truth about Lord Vishnu that he is eradicator of ignorance, splendour incarnate, the onlooker of the world and great disinterested friend of soul, and tangible support to,

The day in its subtle truth facilitate the spirit to worship the aforesaid lord of the universe through cult of one's own inherent truth, to invoke the sle cause of being man in journey of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, December 13, 2024

Sri Pradosh today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh today on the eve of Sri Satya vrat Purnima, a chapter in to charm the spirit as ocean charm the moon, 

Sri Pradosh will last till 7:40 PM, there onwards it starts Sri Chaudas, which will last till 7:00 PM tomorrow, 

Night of tomorrow shall be blessed with the truth of full Moon and will be a most suited chapter to rejoice in truth with lotus feet of Lord Vishnu in his defined incarnation as Bhagwan Sri Satya dev, presiding deity of the truth which relates the existence whichever be the form or the world,

Eastern quarter shall welcome the dawn of the moon with its auspicious truth and devotees tries to make it to the truth of cause eternal,

Jai Mahadev


Jai Sri Ganesha,

There is no end to the power of mind, it could swift either way, control of mind alone is enough to empower it with truth of self,

When this mind, that vital instrument in journey of life, prey to vagaries of sensual discard, exhibit ugly signs being being creating niche for drowning, 

There is endless scope to energize it with mild application of self in truth with respective discipline,

There are many aspects to strengthen the vibes of mind, but nothing equate as the conscience it in truth with self,

Jai Mahadev 


Thursday, December 12, 2024

Soul ever keep uninterrupted quest

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The Soul ever keep uninterrupted quest to visit this planet known in the name of Earth,

Here austerity bear immortal fruits which lasts so long,

Here divinity yields favor for embodied soul like anything, 

Here self application is rewarded, sincerity is well understood, here seed sprout and flower blossom to charm the life,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Be a Yogi

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Be a Yogi, formula is not that tough, recognise yourself in truth with supreme reality, 

Remember the truth of Cause that cause of all causes Remember that God at all times,

Never forsake the God, whatever is being done through you, offer in sacrifice as offering to God,

Let the Fire of eternal Yajna never extinguish, let all acts being performed be the truth of oblations in this fire,

Jai Mahadev  

Monday, December 9, 2024

Evenness of mind

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Evenness of mind is a prime subject for all individuals to stalk the life at its optimize truth,

Yoga is just an aspect to help unto subject to a degree, as mind is governed by an external agency beyond the perceptive skill of individual,

Fluctuation of mind is but natural, but when goes wild, it create difference to differ the truth of being human in the sphere of life,

Depression, enthusiasm, rejoicing in cult of life, joy and sorrow are indication of mind in gross reality, in subtle truth, quest of spirit is peace alone in serene cult of self,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

restart with name of God in faith with self

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The crisis are but natural in the journey of life,

Difficult situation often visit the life to put spirit on trial for hidden reasons, 

While trapped in helpless condition, hold on with all might to the truth of self, the close associate of supreme personality,

Try to listen the inner voice from the eternity of self, would a light to resort upon, wait for a while and restart with name of God in faith with self,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Jai Mahadev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Those who defeated in life are mostly victim of their own cherished and nourished weaknesses, 

Doubts, indicisions and cowadices, has further add in failure in gross reality, 

Anyone helps someone, and that help remains failed to impart inner strength, that is no help, 

If a person is strengthen from within, it doesn't matter if no other help is given, 

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Strength is the inherent truth of self eternal, be not falls pray to cowardness irrespective of condition, be brave without any showbusiness to face the life, 

Being fed with fear and negative thoughts most of the time, either man become weak or wicked, throw them out at once, arise out of somnambulism and it needs to awake out of stupor, dehypnotize self, indeed a must chapter to have shaken off, be brave to live journey of life in spirit of self in truth with cause,

Weakness is a fictitious state of your being, is just self falsification, when one forget its inherent high connection with God, then this deluded shadow surrounds man 

Teachings pf the time does not propose to take you out of context of your own life but to make you wise enough to liberate yourself, no one can escape the battlefield of life, required to fight bravely if intend to achieve chosen goal,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Maa Kali

 It is power of your character, born of Atman awareness may blast your referral problems, 

Subversion from within function in devious forms of rational and sanctified may cause weakness,

Weakness can never be affordable for any moral sanction, In its subtle truth, no root exists in for weakness, being weakness is a sin, 

If you have committed as many as sin in past, correct yourself now to prevent self from, 

Jai Mahadev 

Try to persist self in struggle a little longer

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

In majority of cases seed of success lies in failure, failure is not a time to moping, time to reconcile self in truth with patience, 

Man needs to overcome the cause of failure in spirit with truth of realization to reach at the threshold of success,

Failure often come at once with deep dark shadow around without any notice, and loom large like the evening shadows,

Try to persist self in struggle a little longer to pacify self and success will greet with time,

Jai Mahadev  

Thursday, December 5, 2024

fair compliance unto pilgrimage

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Being decisive in journey of life is more than a fair asset that may help to reach the goal with time, 

Being confident with assertive features is an another achievement to stalk the life fairly,

Being self reliance itself is an fair achievement in journey of life to help self suitably,

Being truthful in journey of life is a fair compliance unto pilgrimage on the planet to make it to the truth of beatitude at that dhore of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The seed of great idea

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The seed of great idea lies the casual truth of a tiniest thought, 

When it is nourish in truth with earnest feeling, it takes a root of Banyan Tree that connected to the celestial reality to guide the truth of mundane existence,

Power lies in the prime source that remains connected to the self eternally, once inner self is graduated to the truth to the perceptive skill, persist flow starts to feed the self suitably,

Indeed, inner self is a store of all power when it attains to self at its optimize truth through discipline of the inherent cult of self, could enough to knock the door of beatitude at that shore of journey,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

ray of light from its source

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Spirit is a ray of light from its source in the form of consciousness,

This consciousness differ from individual to individual, and beings to beings on the charter of species,

Consciousness in men is meritorious in its own potency to relate the truth in the light of wisdom irrespective of being embodied in body cult,

As the man starts loving himself in disinterested truth, potency of his consciousness takes new height to lead him from forefront to the region of eternity within himself and it helps to untie the unwanted knots of Maya,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 2, 2024

right conduct is caught, rather than taught

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The right conduct is caught, rather than taught, 

It is in contact with benign that helps,

Those with inherent asset of truth, imbibe the noble traits of the benign on association with,

Indeed, it could be a better preposition to join the association of holy to imbibe the best from to sail safely from this deadliest ocean of mundane,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Sri Amavasya today,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Amavasya host the dawn of the day this morning for an favorable occasion for Snana Daan, Sri Amavasya lasted today till 12 noon, Next Sri Amavsaya shall be Sri Somvati Amavasya on the eve calendar year 2024 on 30th December, in an aspect an auspicious chapter for life, 

Sri Margshirsh is heading for its Purnima, Sri Satya Vrat Purnima on 14th Dec, and Sri Snana Daan Purnima on 15th Dec, and will last till 2:30 PM,

Punya Kaal of Dhanu Sankranti shall be on 16th Dec, thereby it starts the journey of Sun through zodiac sign Sagittarius, though this will be a Month Posh which is taken as Mal Mass but favorable transit neutralize the afflictions resulted from, 

Celestial cult ever remains intact in harmony with inherent cult of the inner self which makes it more viable for man to adore it in truth with discipline of the respective traits to make it to the truth of sailing safely in ocean of mundane existence, which, though looks lucrative but hard to understand at its true pitch,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Jai Mahadev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Know Shiva to be a legend of generosity, known for being giver of pure blessings to reveal and bestows the truth of wisdom, in the form of knowledge, 

Wisdom of light could be a favorable chapter to sooth spirit in subjugation of body for a hidden cause, and Shiva is the giver,

Serene cult of self may help spirit to reach the most wanted peace eternal and Shiva could be gracious reality to impart it,

Shiva is known for being a destroyer of sins and fear being faced by  spirit  in friction of life, devotees enjoy this felicity by the grace of Shiva,

Jai Mahadev 

Please Be Vegetarian


Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Saturday wisdom is here to help devotees, life is more a battle field than anything else,

Each individual is bound to fight at two fronts, one from within self eternally and other from external agencies in various forms including nature and fellow beings, 

It require not only courage in truth with brave attitude but some some eternal strength to sustain suitable midst of pressure from both sides,

Refuge in Lord Saturn could be a viable help to make it suitable in visible or invisible ways,

Jai Mahadev  

Jai Mahadev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

God is sole cause of existence whichever is the form, is everything all in all,

God is not just a matter of faith, indeed, it is a truth of hope, a must for life whosoever it may be,

God is pivot of the wheel of cycle of life, it is continuous by nature irrespective of changeover in varying forms,

God is sole and universal truth of this world which is pitched on this world and that world, here and hereafter, There is nothing truer than the truth of God which exists along with, matter of realization,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Saturday is taken a favorable day to take refuge in mercy of Mother Kali, It may help devotees and aspirants to transform themselves without much exertion,

Visiting lotus feet of Mother may help devotees in every situation,

This pilgrimage is not only conductive to spiritual progress but also in truth with eternal evolution, 

Two aspects of life as man that worldly prosperity and spiritual growth, devotees in faith and reverence to the lotus feet of mother attains to both,,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Sri Shivratri today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Shivratri today, a defineded day from the shiv cult to address self suitable in truth with cause eternal through adoration unto discipline of the day,

Discipline of the day is not that hard to adore, it is as simple as breathing pattern at its ease, just realize the truth of the day in context with reality of Shiv,

Simplicity in truth with self and deeds of the day in the light of self, could be the best preposition to make it to the truth of divine celebration marked for the day, 

Offering Sri Ganga Jal on Shivling could prove to be an added advantage to enlighten inner self in truth with cause eternal, must adore in cult of day is not to deceit anyone in anyform,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Sri Pradosh today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh today on the eve of Shivratri, a day to thrive for eternal reality individual belongs to, and shiva could be the path to reach at,

Flux of Sri Pradosh could a most favorable reality to support the spirit in quest to reach self, 

Indeed, a day to amalgamate self in truth with cult of the day, is a day help one's own self to reach in close orbit one belongs to,

Health hazard is the worst chapter in the scenario of life, but man may take preventive measures to address this eternal calamity for embodied soul, and Sri Pradosh could prove to be milestone to make it,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Life of a man

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life of a man is a life of mysticism in itself, though far apart from self yet as close as it could be,

Man may empower himself through the inherent truth of his eternal self to take the driving seat of his life to an extent, 

Indispensable guidance is available to man through his own truth of light it possesses,in truth with its eternity,

To reach this inner wisdom, man needs to live a life of moral and truth to oblige itself which may help to develop confidence in personification of his very inherent self,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

This week

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Margshish is heading for its new moon, Pitkarya Amavasya on coming Saturday,

It will Start at 10:30 in the morning and will last till Sunday 12:00 Noon  that Dev karya and Snana daan Amavasya,

Sri Pradosh on Thursday that Guru Pradosh and Shivratri on Friday, both days from the truth of Shiv cult,

Sri Mokshda Ekadasi on coming Tuesday, a legendary chapter of the week, is also known in the name of Sri Gita Jayanti, this Ekadasi may help aspirants and devotees to create a favorable pathway in truth of eternity of self to make it to the truth of beatitude at changeover, to ensure safe passage to Vishnu Lok to amalgamate with pristine reality of inherent self,

Jai Mahadev


Saturday, November 23, 2024

preserve your conscience

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Try to preserve your innocence and integrity irrespective of all odds, it may yields favorable,

Try to protect your inherent nature midst of mundane truth, it may enlighten the pathway for the sole cause of being in journey,

Try to protect the value of inherent self through fair deals in deluded barter system of life, it may yields eternally, 

Try to preserve your conscience midest of mundane reality, it could be best earning in journey of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Withstand yourself alone, try to be trust worthy for self in true spirit,

Encourage yourself on the path of life to create ease for self, 

Prevent self from in truth with cringe and moan, be the eternal warrior to safeguard inherent self,

Prevent self from challenging others, challenge your very self on the path of truth in truth with cause eternal to meet with,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Maa Kali

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life can be classified in as many ways as it could be, but four defined pathways makes it easy to relate with,

If taken life as journey, let it be completed in truth with dignity and moral, if taken as a battle, let it be on a winning not, 

If taken as a race, let it meet the fair compliance in truth with cause both ways,

If taken as pilgrimage, let it be colored in inherent culture of self to reach the truth of beatitude, 

Jai Mahadev,

newer achievements

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life bestowed on spirit as human could be a greatest achievement for journey if taken in spirit with,

Motto of being man is not just sensual pleasure and aggregating mundane wealth to nourish ego, 

It is a most precious gift of God to spirit, indeed a pure blessing of God to man, to make it to the truth of sole task to rediscover the self in context with betitude, 

It is a defined chapter for widening intellectual through process of sanctifying self to reach the spiritual horizon which may lead man from forefront to newer achievements, 

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, November 22, 2024

a must chapter for man

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

It is a must chapter for man to please himself at its most rather than employing self to please others, 

Man needs to explore self to put forth self in positive aura, available within self, 

Help self to explore the reasons to smile for self to reach favorable truth of inner self,

It is for man to find a defined source to bringful eternal smile to boost the energy level to carry on fairly in journey of life, which may differ from person to person, 

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, November 21, 2024


                                                                      Jai Sri Ganesha,

This world is an eternal entity in truth with illusion, Shiva is the cause, Tree of this world in inverted by nature having roots up in celestial truth like banyan tree,, This tree is blessed with two fruits, one is  happiness and other is sorrow.

Two birds rest upon it, One is silent onlooker and other active participant, It consists of four traits, that Arth Dharma Kama Moksha .Individual concern has to have pass through six chapters,To get be born, live, grow, change, happen, and perish,

The bark of this tree is coordinated with the seven metals,that causes  the blood, the flesh, the fat, the bone, marrow, and the sap.The eight branches of this tree are made up of the five elements with their five features, in addition to the mind, the intellect, ego with nine access points 

Prana, Apan, and Vyan Udan, Samana, the five air to feed the gross truth of body, another six to support subtle truth like Nag, Kurma, krikal Devdutt, Dhananjay and a more to act as leaves, Two birds with their inherent truth often visit the tree, one is Jiva and the other is Brahma, For a deeper perspective, the soul feel itself blessed by attaining to it.

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

The self introspection

 Jai Sri Ganesha, 

The self introspection could be a meaningful guide to align and re-align self in the light of subconscious through,

Loss and gain are part and parcel of life, they could be persistent in nature for a hidden cause, of sure they may act as good teacher to invoke self in truth with subconscious reality of self eternal,

Consciousness could be a superficial flow of wakeful state but subconscious truth of self is a light to perceive the things in their relative perspective,

Subconscious itself does not possess any power of its own, it is pitched at the truth of inner self to act upon in command with fate and destiny at its most, 

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Eternal smile

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Eternal smile could be an effective antidote for numerous ills of life, 

Trails and tribulations indicate thich mass of tense nerves to drag the life to low points of depression, 

Eternal smile is prone to counter them all, and may help to rescue self from deadliest deals of delusion, 

Eternal smile is also an emotion which indicate moderately of face but at its most in eternal truth of self, mystics and holy saints are habitual to relate themselves with this eternal most precious gem, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, November 18, 2024

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today, a defined day from Shiv cult which may help aspirants and devotees to reach the truth of lifestyle and conscience to make it for fair growth in truth with eternity individual belongs to,

Life on earth is always beset with trails and tribulations, sorrows and misfortune mostly remains very near to life, hence it needs some tangible help to sustain in healthy reality of self eternal, and Lord Ganesha could be a favor unto subject, 

Indeed, it is an opportunity in form of this divinity in truth with cult of the day to explore possibilities to chram self unto truth of cause eternal, Sri Ganesh is not just an deity but a truth for man and man needs to appease him through adoring the discipline of the day,

Once upon a time gods pleases Shiva in quest for a deity that compatible to the life of man to eradicate the obstacles facing in day to day progressive life for fulfilment at its most, Shiva accept it and blessed the life of man in the form of Ganesha with infinite boons to help  time and again, 

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

The prime difference between the soul and the God

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The prime difference between the soul and the God is, God is independent of all but soul is dependent on many aspects of God,

Ego in truth with self identity classify it as soul, soul in quest of self of its own against the truth of universality that binds it with truth of Maya in varying bodied for a hidden cause,

Soul either embodied or in truth with immortality is soul alone, is in subjugation of pangs of changeover in quest reach the ultimate destination,

Where as God is God ever free in truth of bliss personified, though controller of all through a Maya yet distant from the truth of doership of any kind,

Jai Mahadev,