Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sri Amavasya today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Amavasya today on the eve of Sri Sharad Navratrey, this one is different from other new moons, low tide day in the peculiar cult of soul, 

The moon is the nearest planet to Earth and it relates to the mind like anything, The absence of the moon makes it a low tide, a day that is solely ruled by the truth of the Sun which causes the existence of atman,  

Usually, Sri Amavasya is a day for Snana Daan, Snana relates directly to the truth of purification, and Daan relates to sacrifice, sacrifice indirectly impacts the truth of sanctity, 

In Kanagat Atmans that remain distant to attain a rebirth visit the planet in their immortal truth for different reasons, and on this day they turn back before the sunset is truth of the day in truth with time, and thereby Goddess Durga visits the planet to oblige the devotees varyingly in truth with their faith and submission, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please