Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Sri Amavasya tonight

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Amavasya tonight, it has started at 9:14 AM and will last till 10 O clock in the morning, Sri Amavasya is grossly recognised with its coveing of night at its most yet Truth of snana Daan manifest with rise of sun in new moon, 

Tonight it will cover the whole dark truth tonight and relates most for Sri Pitar pujan to help the spirit of departed ancestors in that region, not just a low tide day on the planet which influence the mind and ocean most but a reality that can trsnscript the fate favorable with mild application of self in truth with respective discipline,

A day to reconcil self in truth with reality and cause one belongs to, full moon and new moon are the day enveloped in extremities in themselves for embodied soul yet a fair apporach may make it trully for the eternal self,

Soul was at a stage undistinghished from the cause yet in truth with but once embodied in cult of life distinguished as self, though a part of process yet not that accessibale and easy to spirit to bear with, and it needs to adopt a celestial cult with availble conditions to rise above the horizon of self, new moon could a milestone on the destination, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please