Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima Today

 Jai sri Ganesha,

Sri Satya Vrat Purnima, a day to adore the lotus feet of Bhagwan Satya dev,

Bhagwan Satya dev, an incarnation of lord Vishnu to help the devotees on path of truth, 

Bhagwan Satya Dev, the presiding deity of the truth, 

Bhagwan Satya Dev is known being a generous truth to help devotees even out of proportion, 

Bhagwan Satya Dev-The giver of essential truth to sustain in journey with dignity and the cause,

Bhagwan Satya Dev, the bestower of wishes, giver of meaning to life for the cause,

Bhagwan Satya Dev, fulfiller of desire and giver of desired objects to devotees,

Bhagwan Satya Dev Pujan in sacred Kartik yields infinite eternal gains, 

In empirical life of man it needs a tangible support for favors and Bhagwan Satya dev is known for being a great giver, 

Glimpse of the wonderful Moon put forth a compliance note unto divine spirit which relates to the truth of the day, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please