Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sri Radha,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Radha, an entity of divine love, truth of her love was persistent perfect tranquil mind with waves of sanctity, consistency of her love was enrich with divinity, absorbed in consciousness of divine self, she liberate self to captivate the truth of her soul mate,  nature of her self implies belief in truth of love above the horizon of gain and loss, the supreme state to experience the truth of love eternally in love with, love is an celestial flow which flows in interrupted pace but find pause in heart of Sri Radha to enlighten the gracious truth of her love, and truth of this love manifest in decorative form with time and again on sri Radha Ashtami, and devotees enjoin the occasion, 

May Lord bless all, 

Thanks please