Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sri Amavasya tomorrow

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Sri Amavasya tomorrow, will start today itself at 12 noon and last till 2:57 PM tomorrow,

Elongated span of Amavasya is not taken favorable for life,

Today fragrance of Somvati will charm the life, and tomorrow truth of Bhomvati influence the life,

Tonight it will be Sri Amavasya for Pitar Cause, tomorrow it will be for Snana Daan, chapter to sanctify self,

Musal part of the new moon on Monday will not support the truth of event but Tuesday will be fair enough to enjoin divine celebration on context of the day, Sri Chaitra Navratrey to Start from Tomorrow at 2:57 PM, indeed elongated and auspicious for life, Ghat Sthapana on Wednesday,
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please