Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, March 20, 2020

realize the truth before it is too late,

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Spirit of service has taken last place in the priority in the life of a commercial man, man has deviated from self to enter in the zone of commercial vicinity, and this commercial skill has encouraged labor to achieve most with least input, capitalist seek extra more mileage on account of their capital without being in just, Ruler look ahead to dictate terms to fellow citizens on the ride of ego to gratify undue self, man of knowledge look for gains beyond the profit of those sick capitalist through knowledge which itself is a light to dispel the dark in disinterested way, and blind race is on to distort the truth of life as man, better be late than never, realize the truth before it is too late, 
May Lord bless all,
Thanks please