Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Sri Amavasya

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Tonight, it is sri Amavasya, the low tide day with truth of conjunction with Sun and the Moon,

Sri Amavasya has started at around 1:00 PM  in the afternoon, and will last till 2:20 PM tomorrow,

Snan Daan of the day will be performed tomorrow,

From Saturday, the holy chapter of Sacred Navratrey will start,

It will last till next Saturday on Sri Sri Ashtami Puja that 13th April,

Sri Ram Navami will be concluding chapter of this Sacred event that on 13th April Noon,

Preparations for Sacred Navratrey is on in all respective temples,

Devotees of Mother Divine has gear up for the occasion that to perform sacred oblations in varying forms with available chapters,

Shakti Day are here, and this Sri Amavasya is at the threshold of Shakti Days,

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks please