Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Jai sri Ganesha,


Sacred Singhast is here to bless the life,

At the bank of Celestial truth Shipra, divine truth has manifest in the form of Kumbh,

Indeed for  communion with true saints,

Saints are true redeemers, they make one see the creator face to face,

Having themselves crossed the ocean of transmigration, they help others to reach at safe shore,

Sacred Kumbh is here for eternal union in eternal life,

Sacred Kumbh is here to impart truth of immortality,

Sacred Kumbh is here that bestower of wishes in the journey,

Saints that with wealth of truth are crest jewel of all, and leads aspirants on the path of wisdom

Saints that truly disciplines and self restraint help aspirants to reach at the motto of being human,

Saints that messenger of god that helps aspirants to reach at safe shore, and Sacred Kumbh felicitate unto subject,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please