Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Shani Amavasya

Jai Shani Dev,
Shani Amavasya is the day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Saturn,

Saturn that known in the name of a great malefic planet that cause of major sufferings in the journey either it is of life or in the life,

Though slow in pace yet act with truth of speed to impact indications, treat King and pauper at par,

Health hazard and poverty with unrest at mind is among the indications highlighted by Saturn varyingly in his transit tenure or the way else when to cause it,

Sri Shani Amavasya provides man an opportunity to make an easy escape from the afflictions indicated by Saturn on the scenario of life,

Little prayer with truth of submission can help man to rescue self from the jaws of undue sufferings,

Obeisance to Lord Saturn, The Saturn in self,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks Please