Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lord Ganesha

Jai Sri Ganesha,
The most common known form of Ganesha depicts him as Red in color, pleasing and most auspicious human form with four arms that tow to hold Pasa and Ankush and other two abhaya and varada mudra,

The belly is generous proportions and is decorated with snake belt,

Lord Ganesha may be seated in Padamasana and other suited postures that bless the devotees accordingly,

A Small mouse is ever seen near him for reason best known to him alone,

Sri Riddhi and Sri Siddhi is his two mainstreams to bless the spirit on the cord of life, and in other script this represents two fold truth of existance one that microscopic and the other macroscopic and both within the service of his lotus feet,

Above all, one is as shining as anything that he is bestower of wishes and true care taker of his followers and devotees,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please