Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi

Jai Sri Ganesha,
Today it is very special day being the day of Sri Ganesh Chaturthi of sacred Saawan,

Indeed a meaning day for devotees and followers of Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha,

This day is bestower of wishes on performing respective puja,

Manas Sankalp on the day to adore with is subject that matters at its first then respective devotion with available resources,

This day really help those suffering on various chapters that relates to life, including ill health, poverty, humiliation, repeated failures, misfortune and other afflictions of social sphere,

And above all it optimize the pitch of manas to visualize the truth in the light of self {atman Prakash},

They who adore this day with faith and reverence attains the meaning of self in the light of truth,

Once upon a time Mother Gauri asked a very simple question to Lord Ganesha that what is the esaiest way to reach at the wish of will, lord convince mother about the glory of this unique day to attain what man needs on the cord of self and truth

Obeisance to Lord Ganesha, the Leader of Lord Shiva's army, whose very thought ensure success, who is repository of wisdom and an abode of blessed qualities, shower his grace,

Obeisance to Lord Shiva, Embodiment of reverence and faith respectively, without which even the adept cannot perceive enshrined in their very heart,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please