Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, February 15, 2013


Jai sir Ganesha,
Today it is appearance day of mother Saraswati, the presiding deity of true knowledge and wisdom,

Devi Saraswati, the mother that caring one, especially the mother of aspirants and students,

Mother, the one seated a white lotus and adorned with white flowers, wear white apparel; the eternal one is besmeared with white sweet scented pastes and had a white rosary in her hands, is anointed with white sandal paste and holds a wonderful Vina, her praise is sing by all the great sages, siddhas, Gandharvas and the gods-the one and only compassionate Mother,

Whoever chants the name of mother attain the wisdom of light to enlighten the inner chamber for ultimate welfare,

The bestower of knowledge is mother Saraswati, mother is truly caring mother of depraved and helpless and those take refuge in her lotus feet never turn back to maya for cycle of 84,

“Obeisance to you, O mother-please accept my humble Homage on the occasion”

May Lord bless all,

Thanks please