Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, November 25, 2011

I revere mother Saraswati

I reverence vani, the goddess of speech and Vinayak lord Ganesha, the originators of sounds represented by the alphabet, of the multitudes of objects denoted by those sound, of poetic sentiments as well as the begetter of all blessings. Please accept my very humble homage on this special day for me.

I revere mother Saraswati, the giver of light in the form of knowledge and i make my very humble homage in her lotus feet on this special occasion for me. Mother I know you are always with me and I wish the same for ever, I never want to miss you in any form, please be with me least till I breathe my last on the planet.

I greet the pollen like dust of the lotus feet of my preceptor, refulgent, fragment and flavored with love.

I bow to the lotus feet of my Guru, who is ocean of mercy and is no other than sri Bhagwaan Shiv in human form, and whose words are sun beam as it were for dispersing the mass of darkness in the form of gross ignorance.

“Obeisance to you, O lord along with mother Gauri1 pray come here, O mighty Lord kindly accept my very humble homage on this day”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please