Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Saturday, July 9, 2011

highest presiding deity of truth and faith

I bow unto the comprehensive divine chapter lord Shiva who is not only destroyer of the dark of obstacle but bestower of wishes to devotees and saintly soul.

I bow down in the lotus feet of lord Shiva who is true preceptor of life and nature that make the life easy for beings on the planet through wisdom of knowledge.

I bow down to the Sat-guru known as lord Shiva whose form is radiant with jewel of Vedanta and who is sun that cause to blossom the lotus of vedanta.

I bow down to my spiritual teacher that is none other than Lord Shiva, the cause for this universe and life.

I bow down to the almighty one known in the name of Lord Shiva who is without beginning and the end, highest presiding deity of truth and faith.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please