Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, June 26, 2009

peace and bliss

Peace is the foremost desire of soul to attain in life but peace which in fact is the nature of soul got disturbed through many external modes. Impure mind the main cause of unrest. Peace is lost through hurries and worries of life. Hurry for the present and worry of the future makes peace escape out of life. Recollection of past is also a media to cause unrest in life.

The foremost remedy to over unrest is surrender self on the path of truth though tough to adore with but true to reach at.

Contentment arise itself on the path of truth results in peace and bliss. Knowledge unto self helps on the subject. Ego the killing mode and the rout cause of unrest in life if submit in the lotus feet of lord results in peace and bliss. It is really easy to say but hard to follow but those make it to follow reach at the glory of life.

Disinterested love in the lotus feet of lord make one to reach at the ultimate mode of peace and bliss.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.