Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Service to the lotus feet of lord dissolves ego and awaken real self. The true servants of lord does not regard body and mind but offers them to lord in his service. True servant never differentiate among the small and the big on the cord of service, they just perform as a servant.

It is the grace of lord if one got priviledge to serve the lotus feet.

Saints and seers have never proclaimed their service. The divine never expects one to what is beyond one’s power to do. Peoples get involved in out actions beyond the limit that makes feeling behind service dried up and such actions loses its potency to lead one to true destination.

Service to the ultimate good of mankind and nature is the service to the lotus feet of lord. Those serve the lotus feet of lord with disinterested way earn great religious merit for here and here after too.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.