Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Sunday, May 31, 2009

celestial melodies

Boundless as God is so is his devotion unfathomable. These two have no limits, so do all holy men proclaim.

Beyond qualities as God is, so is devotion of blameless one, know it as such these two have no limits, saints say it all the way.

One Wishes to play the game of divine love while immersed in the worldly affairs, not feasible as per the quotes of saints as one flower imbibes not the fragrance of another.

When I am {ego} not the one is there; when I come in, duality appears, unless or until I and thou is removed hard to find one though is very close by.

Aspirants who fill their heart with the drops of celestial melodies make it reach at the ultimate destination of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

true name

Delusion is so hard to destroy but by means of the true name of lord as bestowed by sat guru, one can make it to destroy the deadliest devil.

When delusion is destroyed, the mind united with one untouched by karma. If mind stays with true name of lord even for the moment, virtues steam flows in to take one to the journey of divine wisdom.

Trammels of negative power and torments of miseries may be destroyed through the power of true name.

Fear is the deadliest mode which follows life till the conclusion in varying modes but when one takes shelter in the true name of lord, fearless then does one become.

Better be late then never – O mind- take shelter in true name of lord to make this life a success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Virtues path

So long as one does not despise evil from the core of heart, sin would continue to be the part of life. But when one sincerely believes an evil to be an evil, recognize sin to be a sin from the core of heart, would continuously lead towards a virtues life.

Man endowed with three basics to carry on with-intellect mind and body. Intellects play a vital role to lead the life in right direction.

The impious thought and unrighteous conduct make the life miserable but a purified intellect with the true name of lord can not be a part of impious thoughts and deeds.

Those make it to reach at the lotus feet of lord, attain the virtues association which leads one to ultimate glory of life as human. Virtues path put an end to all obstacles of life. Pray and perform leads one to virtues track of life where one attains the ultimate grace of lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Dispassion is ever immune from fear. Gratification of senses is attended with slavery where as dispassion is characterized by independence. Dispassion never means to get dry up from the self or the nature but contentment with the sweetening of nectar.

Dispassion at its true pace fills the heart with divine love.

It encourages one to drink the nectar of divine love. Dispassion intensifies love. Life is not just an easy pass; it needs to cross over the agonies of illness, restlessness, false expectation, senility, unwelcome, piteous wail and error. And it needs effective lubricant to assist in that is divine love which not only helps one to attain the true motto but make the life a success at its true cord.

Night and the sun can not co-exist in the world so is about the love of this mundane world and divine love.

Attachment is an attitude of mind and non attachment alone leads one to dispassion.

For any spiritual progress dispassion is essential and supreme mental discipline.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

presence of supreme

Those see God in all beings can never harm others and no action on their part will be contrary to their well being.

It is for a note that presence of supreme one can be visualized in every being and all actions manifest is divine sport.

To reach at the supreme one it needs truth of life, to reach at the truth of life it needs virtues deeds which needs good association and association of saints and pious one make it reach at the true motive of life.

Human existence is never intended to afflict any one or indicate hardship to anyone; it is like a flower to indicate fragrance all around and to reach at the lotus feet of lord at its ultimate mode.

Pleasure and pains are the banks of river either define or raw but stream must carry on with to reach at the ultimate destination of ocean with grace and glory. And those adore the lotus feet of lord make it all well.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

manifestation of lord

Lord ever exists in his entirety: lord is infinite by nature all the way, his knowledge, energy, lordship, love and joy are infinite. The whole universe is manifestation of lord. Lord alone is the cause of this entire cosmos.

Lord ever consists of supreme bliss.

The whole universe exists in lord but lord extend beyond the universe too. Though manifest in the form of his creation consisting of diverse changing forms, but lord never loses even a fractional of his immutable integral character.

This universe is his self manifestation, self diversion and self enjoyment. Immense power of lord with unbounded love never suffers in any form.

Those take refuge in the lotus feet of such almighty lord are really great on the subject of life and very purpose of their life is solved.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Service to the lotus feet of lord dissolves ego and awaken real self. The true servants of lord does not regard body and mind but offers them to lord in his service. True servant never differentiate among the small and the big on the cord of service, they just perform as a servant.

It is the grace of lord if one got priviledge to serve the lotus feet.

Saints and seers have never proclaimed their service. The divine never expects one to what is beyond one’s power to do. Peoples get involved in out actions beyond the limit that makes feeling behind service dried up and such actions loses its potency to lead one to true destination.

Service to the ultimate good of mankind and nature is the service to the lotus feet of lord. Those serve the lotus feet of lord with disinterested way earn great religious merit for here and here after too.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Monday, May 25, 2009

true guardian

Those adore the lotus feet of lord Shiva, the guardian of south east quarter and ruler of the universe are really great as they reach at the ultimate truth of the self and the life.

Lord Shiva is eternal bliss personified, the omnipresent and all pervading Brahma manifest in varying form to help the life on the planet.

Lord Shiva shining in his own glory, devoid of material attributes undifferentiated, desire less and all pervading consciousness.

Devotees bow their head in the lotus feet of lord, who is devoid of form, transcendent and extra cosmic, beyond speech, understanding, sense perception, seed of cosmic syllable OM and the abode of virtues. Above all lord is a true guardian of devotees and great savior all the way.

“Obeisances to the lotus feet of lord Shiva”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

wish to live long

Those wish to live long in true spirit needs to adore the path of yoga. Perception to live long must match the thoughts inwards and outwards unto deeds. Pray and perform is the basic note to achieve the target in life.

Toughness may join the band of life for a while but never let depression to part with.

Living a life matching the law of nature helps a lot to attain basic motto of live long.

Pranayam is the breath controlling exercise which optimizes the true pitch of life giving breath. It helps in toning bodily, mental and spiritual pleasures to a correct pitch.

Few minutes yoga in the nectar time keeps many diseases apart from the life and helps in maintain inner and outer purity.

Keep faith alive all the way in self and the lord to reach at. Those adore the lotus feet of lord Shiva make it all well.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Those keep the faith alive in the lotus feet of lord reach at the true self in life. Those dedicate themselves in the serve of lord make it reach at the glory of being true human.

Those respect the truth in life through thoughts words and deeds attain the blessings of lord all well.

Meaning of love is sacrifice to a definition and those loves the lord from the core of heart attain the true meaning of being human.

Lord belongs to the cast of love and love is so dear to lord. Lord manifest in the form of true love or divine love. Love is his body and love alone is his color if one visualizes it.

When lover merges his identity completely in beloved then it results in unison.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Friday, May 22, 2009

Human body

One can have knowledge nor develop love for God in other species of life but human. One alone is the universe in self and alone beyond it but on the cord of realization. Loss and gain respect of disrespect heaven or hell is the feature of illusion at its sole core not of true self.

The entire visible universe including self is projection of illusion, not the truth of soul.

Human body is vouchsafed to us just to enable to emerge from the realm of ignorance, which torments us by repeatedly delivering us to the bugbear of death, and to realize the true nature of lord and realizing the truth about self.

And all this could easily be done by just chanting the true name of lord through core of heart.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


The payer to lord is to have a communion with him. Prayer to lord is for uplifting spirits, stealing ones nerves and developing a well rounded personality to its pace. An individual attains a real closeness to lord through prayer and achieve peace and bliss.

Happiness of soul and the body could be experience through true cord of prayer.

Cleanest place of house, inner and outer purity of self, right sitting posture pays a lot in prayer. Om is the Vedic form of addressing god and while one pronounces it imbibes the cosmic life force in one’s self. Praying person must be thankful to Lord who is giver of life, remover of pains and Bestower of wishes.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

five powerful enemies

There are five powerful enemies of life which makes one to trail from the true self that are lust anger undue attachments greed and pride. They are fond of keeps the life as slave and ignorant one become their victim easily.

Those service and salutation to the lord at the inner cord make an easy escape from these malefic modes of life.

Lord is with in the self and close to the worshipper but unfortunately one keeps him aside and rush of material world in a blind race and got trapped in the net of illusion where miseries offer warm welcome.

Full of love and affection serve the formless with heart and mind and will reach athe true meaning of being human.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

true name

He alone is king who is owner of true name and kept the true name of lord in his heart with respect. Those who loves the true name of lord, loves the world in true pace. That who loves the lord loves his very creation either animate or inanimate.

He who has read the name of lord at its true pitch has read every thing with respect to the creation of lord. The essence of all books is there in the core of true name. Knowledge which the greatest book of the world fail to impart, one attain just through the mean of name.

Name of the lord is invaluable and immortal. Name of the lord is precious gem invaluable. The biggest treasure of the entire three worlds is true name. To an eye those miss the great asset of divine wisdom are not more than any pauper and those heaving it at heart with true pitch are king in true manner all the way.

Those honors the name of lord honored at its ultimate mode.

The name of lord is Bestower of wishes to those take shelter in.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ganga Ghat

Ganga Ghat in haridwar is the divine source of inspiration to reach at the true self.
Haridwar means gate to the lotus feet of lord Shiva. It also means gate to the lotus feet of Lord Sri Hari Vishnu. Unique all the way for divine spirit is auspicious Sri Haridwar.

Haridwar is the foot hill of Himalaya which is very source of holy men on the planet.

Haridwar is place where Sri Ganga ji starts its journey on the plane in very cool mode to bless the life for ultimate good.

Ganga Ghat is the define bank of river Sri Ganga ji where saints and seers have practice austerity and penance for the good of life and those make it to reach there make it wash off their sin and blemishes of life. Just a holy dip in sri Ganga ji make one pure at heart and soul all the way subject to the truth and faith one carries with.

Ganga Ghat of Sri Haridwar is Bestower of wishes in life.

Ganga Ghat is source of define virtues for ultimate good of life.

Ganga Ghat is the gate to remodule the life to its true cord

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Sunday, May 17, 2009

true saints

Lord is doing all well by providing the company of true saints to life on the planet. True saint is even more than sandal wood of highest quality which indicates peace and bliss. Reflect of sat sang in life modifies the life to its true nature.

Seeing the mouse burning in fire, merciful swan carries it to pond of nectar but evil one tries to cut its wings on way is the features of vile on the subject of life.

Snakes clings around sandal trees and yet not forsake their poison and peoples alike snakes fallen in the well and saints like swan comes to pull them out.

Unless or until one left the passionate impression union between the self and supreme is hard to have so, be there close by for so long.

It is for one to realize the importance of association with true saints to make it as human. And those realize it blessed by the lotus feet of lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Peace and bliss

Human life is a unique gift to soul to prove self by supreme one. Wisdom of true knowledge could only be attained in human life. Realization at its true pace is only feasible in human life.

It is rest with the self alone either go with the dual identity on the subject of life or merge in the supreme one, process called emancipation.

Peace and bliss is the subject of human life. And it is not unattainable; any one seeker of truth can make it. Those realize their true nature with respect to supreme one; illusion and the self make it to reach at final beatitude.

Loss and gain, honor and defame, raise and scandal belongs to the cord of illusion and those devotes to the lotus feet of lord come to know all about with all ease.

Compassionate is lord Shiva and true guarding of devotees and pious one all the way.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Galaxy of stars

Lord Shiva, the creator of animate and inanimate has creates this universe with his own version. Almighty lord also perform the similar functions as experienced in life on the planet. Creation sustains and dissolved is the basic stream of acts of lord.

Lord has created the swar gyan to facilitate the life for a true version.

Astro science is the great mode, lord has given to the human on the planet to visualize the time on the cord of fate. Good and bad is the part of vision one keeps of self, god has decorated the life with varying modes to chose from.

Script of life is written first in thread of fate then it manifest to the planet for act but cushion for acts to prove self always part their in.

Galaxy of stars is the poetry of lord written in broad dots on the sphere of sky which reflects well on the life of planet.

Day and night is the version of lord for life, as night follows by the day and day by night but the theory of karma keeps the true pace.

Ultimate truth of self and the life is only lord Shiva, as earliest one make it reach at is good for one.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

true life

The empire build on untruth foundation never let the owner sleep peacefully. Virtues never routs in life. Unrest full mind and undue fear surrounds the life whose foundation rest of untruth modes of life.

Those track the life with truth and submission called ultimate winners of life.

The wealth of devotion is unique, the wealth of truth is great, the wealth of worship is immortal which goes along with even after the life.

Ill gotten wealth never gives satisfaction at its ultimate made; ill gotten wealth never let the one to have peace in even dream, ill gotten wealth drags the life far from the true self.

The aim of true life as human is only unfold the knots of bondage and ultimate liberation.

And the same can be having very easily with the worship of lord Shiva. Lotus feet of lord is the rout to reach at and truth of self in thoughts, words and deeds is the carrier to make it.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Human life

Human life is chariot which has to reach at its ultimate destination that is the lotus feet of supreme lord. Senses are the horses of this chariot and they are supposed to be well discipline and well disposed to go at the desired speed to make the journey of life a success.

This desired speed could only be attained by self control and self discipline.

Five sensory and five action organs of the body perform the acts to reach at and if this goes in optimize pace destination see with in reach, if it goes the way other it is only miseries results in from.

Those devotes to the lotus feet of lord make this journey all well. Lord himself guides the devotees to on the true path through the wisdom of knowledge. Lord helps the life to take right course in life. Lord manifest himself in varying form to help the one who devotes and keep continues faith in the lotus feet of lord.

Theory of karma is true and perfect to its pace but lord make it all well for devotees.

Celestial joy and blissful liberation from painful journey of this mundane world could easily be attained by worship of lotus feet of lord Shiva.

Those adore the lotus feet of lord are really great in true meaning.

May lord bless all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

true home

For the sake of true home devotees wandered life over but find it in the lotus feet of lord Shiva. A home where peace and bliss manifest with all cool modes is lotus feet of lord. When mind get absorbed in the lotus feet of lord, one find the ultimate destination of being human.

It is only true home where blissful meditation dwells.

Fear and doubts of delusion never enter in true home. Door of this true home so called lotus feet of lord is open to one and all who keeps heart pious. Lord revealed self in this very house.

Devotees keep the lotus feet of lord in their heart and find the true home within house itself.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Monday, May 11, 2009

merciful lord

Lust anger and vanity are the path leading to hell abjuring all these adores the path which leads to the lotus feet of lord will enlighten the pace of life. Lord is absolute Brahma, free from malady of illusion, the unborn lord, all pervading invincible with out beginning and the end.

Lord delights his devotees and breaks the ranks of the impious and is the essence of Vedas. Lord relieves the distress of those who seek refuge in him.

All merciful lord is so kind to accept all who so ever seek refuge in him on the track of truth. Association of wicked results in dominion, health and faith go to the worst but the devotion to the lotus feet of lord brings glory for life and there after.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

lord shiva

It is for one to make a note that the supreme ruler of heaven and earth and guardian of our life is manifested in every thing and every where in the form of omni present and is none other than lord Shiva who remains close by one and all is bare fact to believe in life.

Lord of one and all pervades everywhere; there is no place with out him.

One must look forward to attain the ultimate good from the all merciful lord who always remains close by. Just realization of supreme one close by makes the purpose easy to attain. Lord of all dwells in our heart and illuminates our inner self with his very presence just by realizing this bare fact.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lord Shiva

Lord Shiva is Bestower of wishes and true guardian of life. Lord is known as Bestower of peace and bliss. Lord enlightens the path of life for pious one and saints and seers. Lord helps in realizing the very presence of supreme with in one’s self.

By the grace of lord one realizes the firmness in the path of devotion.

Grace of lord helps one to experience the utmost nearness of almighty. It is grace of lord which makes one to perceive the luster of divine spirit in heart.

Lord is creator savior and benefactor of life. Ultimate liberation from the bondage of illusion is sole subject of lord Shiva. Those adore the lotus feet of lord reach at the final beatitude with all ease.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Friday, May 8, 2009

subjugator of all

Lord Shiva is subjugator of all and that dwell in great clouds and the cause for the celestial streams on the planet is almighty lord. Lord is known as destroyer of enemies and savior of devotees. Sustainer of beings in the universe is lord Shiva.

Ever cheerful is state of lord with mount like matted locks which indicates the greatness of penance and austerity for the ultimate good of life and nature on the planet.

Manifest and else which so ever form it be the lord Shiva.

Prayer to lord Shiva is always fruitful. Refuge in the lotus feet f Shiva is always meaningful and devotion to the lotus feet of lord make one to reach at the final beatitude with all ease.

God of gods and guardian of life and nature and true care taker of devotees is lord Shiva.

I make my obeisances to the lotus feet of lord Shiva.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

grace of God

Pray and perform is the basics of true life as human. Blessings of god help to attain the motive on the subject.

It is the grace of God; we realize the firmness in the path of devotion. Lord guides us in acquiring the knowledge of material world to remove hassles of ignorance.

Realization of Supreme Being in life and higher reaches of spaces is only possible through the grace of god. Grace of God protects us from the miseries on the subject of life. Diseases pains and tribulations are bound to strike the pace of life but the grace of lord protects life all the way from these malefic modes.

It is the grace of god which makes one to feel very existence of almighty lord close by. It is the grace of God alone that one imbibes the divine knowledge for ultimate good of life.

To attain the grace of lord, just a prayer with simple heart is more than enough.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Agni dev

The sun is the basic source of light is known to one and all but Agni {fire} also represents the light with knowledge. In the ancient books Agni is taken as Brahmin. Of course Agni means fire which creates the pace with out which every thing is dull. Agni is very source of energy on the planet and human needs it most from day to day life to the conclusive mode of life.

Yajurved quotes to a sacred note that presiding deity of fire who by nature is repository of all true knowledge and pristine source of enlightenment. Indeed it is Agni which generates all kind of energies on the planet and beyond it for the purpose of life and its true welfare.

Pray to Agni dev brings infinite merits to life as per the version of true saints. Optimize pace of Agni bring health wealth and glory for life. It is Agni who gives us inspiration to take conscious path right ways.

Agni is omnipresent and omniscient almighty and it needs realization unto reach at.

Lord who has created Agni for the good of one and all and those adore the lotus feet of lord remain in the orbit of favor of Agni dev.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

truth triumph

Truth is a very wide subject to elaborate but simple to understand. Truth is infinite and immortal mode for life on the planet. Truth is the parameter to visualize the graduation of mind in life. Truth is the essence of life. soul and supreme.

All religions have their roots in truth.

Truth is one of the forms of supreme one.

Ultimate taste of truth is beyond imagination but supreme all the way, where truth of life reflects a bit hard to accept. Those respect the truth of life while to interact with reach at the glory of life ultimately. Truth is not mare a word to listen or speak it is the vibrating code of soul at it does optimize pitch.

Thoughts words and deeds reflect the truth of soul. Truth is basic plain for interaction of soul and supreme. Those adore the path of truth make it reach at the ultimate destination of being human.

Truth is the ultimate path of success as human.

Let truth be the flagship of one’s life.

A truth triumph is bare fact to believe all the way.

Those adore the path of truth remain blessed by the lotus feet of shiva.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please

Monday, May 4, 2009


All misery and sufferings are traceable directly or else to moral evil.

Hard work and good character usually writes the script of truth.

Every act of life is countable hence easy pass can never be the righteous mode in true pace.

Greatest achievement in the world is a noble character which plays a vital role in evaluating self; with out which every virtue takes it rout out.

Sense perception must track the vigil and conscious mode to avoid any conflict in self and the truth.

A serene soul bringeth a happy life.

Charity is best among the virtues but disinterested.

Those live life doing good to one and all, seeking peace reach at the bliss at its ultimate mode.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

best known to lord

Lord is kind and compassionate and those dedicate self in the lotus feet of lord attain the best in life. Lord has no favorites in this world and he loves all alike but saints. Saints receive more because they offer more and their by more receptive.

A loving devotee who has dedicated himself to the lotus feet of lord endures great hardships most cheerfully and rejoices at every moment.

Life some times behaves indifferently reason best known to lord but wise one interact the same way as the wise patient, who is suffering but gladly takes a bitter dose administered by a true doctor and feel grateful to him, even so one cheerfully endures hardship inflicted their by in life as given by the god who is extremely benevolent unselfish and unerring doctor.

“Better on right track to prove self on the true life as human”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please


Ego is the killing factor in life and basic hindrance in the path of truth peace. Ego is the rout of unrest in life. Anger results on the wound of ego or self respect. It is very hard to defuse ego. But devotional chapter helps on the subject to counter it.

As long as ego manifest in life, lord of the entire three worlds can never be but as ego vanishes in self lord manifest the self in the heart of devotee is the real truth to believe in life.

Disinterested service to the lotus feet of true saints helps in controlling ego.

It is only submissive mode of life which helps in countering the ego. Devotion to the lotus feet of lord keeps ego at its bay and spirit results in to reach at the truth of self.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.


As per the version of true saints any one can discover the essential truth of self just by listening to the scriptures, reflecting upon the spiritual nature of the self.

Self is not the body but the soul, infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and store home of infinite power.

Faith is the essence to reach at the essence of true self. Faith unto self and Lord same as that of a faithful wife who always lives along with her husband irrespective of if and buts of life and reach at the pace of ultimate unison.

Love is very basic nature of supreme soul and supreme one could easily be attain through love but divine.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Sphere of devotion

Delights which follows from the contact of the senses with their object is not as good as that attain though the devotion with disinterested mode. Happiness never ultimately means peace and bliss but devotion is the rout of peace and bliss.

Sphere of devotion is infinite so the mode but true pace matters to it.

What is needed in devotion at its foremost that is an earnest longing and heartfelt prayer?

Love is the nature of the beloved and the life of the lover. Love is life, light and eternity and it is feasible to reach at through the love alone but disinterested.

Desire is the must must factor which plays vital role to reach at and those make it truly reach at the lotus feet of lord to make the success.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Penance with prayer

Penance with prayer enhances the will power in life. Will power is an immortal energy which not only supports the life but also helps here after.

It is a powerful weapon to win the race of life at its true pace.

Spiritual and mundane world problems could easily be solved with the pace of true will power.

It is will power which boosts the moral of one to fight for truth. Lack of will power induces fear in life but when it adds on fear escape out of life.

Devotes of lord Shiva that track the path of pray and perform achieve this unique mode in life at optimize pace to win the battle of life truly.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

True self

True self is soul not the body and needs to realize this soul is also known as Brahma being the fraction. Lord is form less Brahma and soul manifest in varying species of life to perform the deeds on the script of illusion.

Devotional spirit is paramount in the path of devotion.

Knowledge unto self makes one reach at.

Grace of god is supreme on every subject concern with life. To attain the grace of god devotion is the true rout. Total immersion of self in the devotional chapter makes it to reach at.

Essence of divine spirit is love or disinterested love.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

grace of lord

Lord Shiva is true preceptor of life. Lord is divine guide and benefactor. Those take refuge in the lotus feet of lord continue to have right perception through out the life. Sense perception at its true pace is not easy in life, it needs divine grace but those take refuge in lotus feet of lord reach at with all glorious mode.

Control on the faculties of life is not an easy chapter but by the grace of lord, it goes all well.

Devotion to the lotus feet of lord is a comprehensive tangible support for life if one realizes so. Health and happiness is the prime subject of life and to reach at, it needs a true guide to make it and lord Shiva is all merciful lord to help the devotees and pious one on the subject.

“Obeisance to the lotus feet of lord”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

Friday, May 1, 2009

ways to earn

There are so many ways to earn the good for ultimate glory of being human, among that disinterested service to the lotus feet of true saint is unique.

Saints are abode of virtues, above the sorrows of the world and free from doubts. Nothing beside the lotus feet of lord is dear to them, not even their body nor their home.

Even minded and placed, never abandoned the right course. Guileless by nature and loving, given over to prayer, austerity, control of senses, self denial and religious observances and undertake sacred vows.

They are full of piety, forgiveness, friendly to all compassionate, cheerful under all circumstances and sincerely devoted to the lotus feet of lord.

They never take recourse of hypocrisy, pride or arrogance nor set their foot on evil path even by mistake. Singing and hearing the praise of lord and intent on doing good to others with out any consideration.

I make my obeisances in the lotus feet of true saints.

“Obeisances to you, O lord Shiva; savior of fallen”

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.


Lord Shiva is protector of the suppliant and ocean of compassion, those take refuge in the lotus feet of lord attain the orbit of virtues in life. Human life and passed without devotion is as that of missed the best of it.

Life with out devotion to the lotus feet of lord is as that of rivers that have no parental source get dried up as soon as the rain are over, but all the fishes that had their abode in fathomless water of lake were uniformly happy, even as the virtues and devotees ever pass their days peacefully.

Covered by dense lotus leaves the water could not be easily discerned as the attributes less Brahma is not perceived when veiled by ignorance but they are really great who make it to reach at the lotus feet of lord.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.


Those take the life as penance and live it truly remains blessed from the lotus feet of lord Shiva. Human life and company of saints, there is nothing good like this. Those rejoice to see the saints mean it pious at heart.

Holy basil and Sri Ganga ji are the two celestial modes which makes saints happy at its true code especially.

In the one scale of the balance, put together the delights of heaven and the bliss of final beatitude; but they will all out weighted by a moment‘s joy derived from communion with the saints.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.

truth of truth

Truth is one but sages have elaborated it differently. As this truth is beyond the reach of sense perception but on interaction of mind and heart at true pitch could make it to reach at.

When this transcendental experience is attempted to be described in words, when infinite is attempted to be brought with in the comprehension of finite when indescribable is attempted to described in words only mare a shadow is conveyed.

The entire universe is a manifest of supreme one, is pervaded and conscious is the essence of it.

Variably but with define pace truth exist in itself, indeed the every creature has emerged from this verily truth so called Brahma.

Devotion to the lotus feet of lord Shiva makes one to reach at the truth of truth in life.

May lord bless all.

Thanks please.