Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, January 17, 2025

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today, an auspicious chapter to help the embodied soul in journey of life, 

This Ganesh chaturthi being in vicinity of Sacred Magh at the Start of Uttarayana is meaningful all the way, 

Uttarayan is just like dawn of the day, This Sri Ganesh Chathurthi lead this truth from forefront to glorify the truth of self for fair compliance unto truth of journey in the planet,

This sri Ganesha Chaturthi is also known in the name of Sankat Haran Chaturthi, it is prone to relieve the distressed soul from jaws of hassles and miseries, In flux of Sri Kumbh, it possesses special meaning to bless aspirants and devotees suitably,

Jai Mahadev 


Thursday, January 16, 2025

antidote for it

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Yajna of Sacred Magh is in progress to indicate and impart positive aura in aspirants and devotees to cure them from mundane ailments,

Mundane existence itself is a diseases, birth and death are mere aspect of this reality, spirit in subjugation of, mental diseases are more rampant than physical in any case, treatment of physical diseases are much easier than mental affliction, 

All embodied souls are bound to suffer in journey of life with both physical and mental diseases with condition and time but old age is a diseases that far above the horizon of physical and mental afflictions, 

Adoration and fair participation in the pious yajna of Sacred Magh could prove to be an antidote for it,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hare Rama


Sacred Magh,

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sacred Magh, holy month from the celestial cult has started, fourth one that concluding among Baisakh, Saawan, Kartik and Magh, conductive to vibes of beatitude and most relevant chapter for aspirants in que to make it to the truth of beatitude,

This Magh is extremely special for many reasons, among them one is that it is in orientation with Kumbh, hosting the felicity of Kumbh in its laps, indeed an enlightened chapter to reach the truth of wisdom,

It is a path way and key to higher life, a defined reality to vitalizing inherent cult of self for sovereign culture of holy heights, with lot of messages for life and the man, that life as a man is not enough of being exits, it is to facilitate spirit to acquire elixir to live abundance that exists within self in truth with cause of being ma,

Sacred Magh is more a yajna that hosted by celestials to invoke the truth of embodied souls in journey of life that to reshape it to the tune of pilgrimage, a most referred month for eternal pilgrimage to chart out self in truth with sole cause of being man to discard the truth of individuality and to merge in pristine truth of universality of self,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Sri Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Purnima today on the even of Sacred Magh in truth with flux of Most auspicious Kumba. 

This one is very special to mark self in truth with sanctity and causes that relative and sole,

A day to start the Kalp Vaas to attain to higher regions within self for fair evolution of self,

Not just a day for Snana Daan and Satya vrat but a reality to update self for fair glimpse unto self the mirror of self to identify self in truth with pristine cause of being man in the planet,

Jai Mahadev  

Sunday, January 12, 2025

does everything to decorate the path of devotees

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Mystic month from the celestial cult Posh has reached the threshold of its Purnima, It is conjunct of Sri Satyavrat Purnima as well as Sri Snana Daan Purnima, 

Sri Purnima Tomorrow at the Threshold of Makar Sankranti, a legendary chapter to revoke self in truth with pristine cult of self to make it to the truth of Kalp Vaas,

Tine to recognize the Truth of supreme personality who is known for being a caring guardian of devotees and aspirant,s,

Time to recall his truth about his reality that he protects even in difficult situations of journey in hidden ways, love devotees more than himself, Loyal to devotees and aspirants beyond the horizon of perceptive skill, does everything to decorate the path of devotees in their journey of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Sri Pradosh today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh today, an auspicious chapter from the Shiv Cult, a chapter that may redefine the truth of self,

Those Practising a few teachings from the core truth of the cult, may attain to requisite health for fair journey in the planet,

Those in truth with cult of the day, may overcome hassles of the journey more easily than others,

Adoration of the day may proves to be an unending source of eternal inspiration for fellowship of eternal truth,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, the limit of auspiciousness and truth of eternity, indeed, a day to enjoin a mystic Yajna being performed by celestial for a hidden cause but for eternal evolution of spirit to the tune of amalgamation,

This day is special being at the threshold of Kumbh, having infinite favors in its lap for life and spirit in varying forms,

Infinite is the philosophy of the day and infinite are the traits of philosophy to relate this auspicious reality exist and revisit the men for help eternal,

Not just a day of sri Vishnu Pad Puja, Sri Vishnu Pad Puja is just an aspect which may relate o the fair evolution of self in pilgrimage in the planet,

Jai Mahadev,

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Sri Ekadasi Tomorrow

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi Tomorrow, a unified day to mark self in truth with eternity of self to make it to the truth of self that to sail safely on this wonder land,

Coming Saturday will host the cult of Divine Pradosh, this Shani Pradosh will be meritorious being on the eve of Makar Sankranti, 

Coming Monday will host the moon night that Purnima, conunct of Snana Daan purnima and Sri Satya Vrat cult,

Indeed time to enjoin the truth of self eternal to make it to the truth of perennial cause of being on planet in journey of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Sri Kumbh

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Inner quest to reach the truth of immortality is live in all beings in journey of life in the planet but men alone is most compatible to this reality,

There are many aspects to reach it, but first and foremost truth is a wakeful conscious state of self to discard nerrow selfishness,

It needs to rise above the horizon of self through adoration of the disciple prescribed by the time in truth with occasion and location, 

Occasion is not far off from here, it is Sri Kumbh, location could be Prayag, it is a conjunction of Karma, Bhati and Jnana,

Jai Mahadev   

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


those embodied in human form

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

True knowledge is intact in all those embodied in human form for the journey of life in the planet,

Indeed, it is more than wisdom for man to make it and reach at, but man has to activate and reactivate it through respective discipline,

This discipline is as simple as breathing pattern, just try to be with self in truth with self through adoration of cult celestial to make it to the pitch of self suitably,

This True knowledge is pitched at the truth of that consciousness and that consciousness make it feasible to reach at,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, January 6, 2025


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

I-ness is the condition, Jiva is in subjugation, and the whole journey of life revolves round it, 

When the knowledge of eternal self arises, Truth of I-ness milts away, pride and ego neutralizes and sun of wisdom manifest, 

I-ness is comprehensive embodiment of Ego and Pride, that a flux of Maya, to trap Jiva in its net for long,

Reality is only One that Brahman, Brahma in its subtle truth, which appears in both aspects unto truth of its mysticism that hard to reach,

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Know Lord Shiva

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Know Lord Shiva to be a idol of compassion, is usually pictured as sitting in the Yoga posture, under a banyan tree, facing the south and exhibiting Mudra which represents Knowledge,

Being personification of spiritual wisdom, is a universal preceptor, an ideal Guru, calm truth of his posture radiates out the spiritual vibes to update the disciples and devotees  with truth their own personification, to relate with their cause eternal,

Know Shiva to be an embodiment of generosity, is a great giver, is most competent deity to bestow wisdom as well as beatitude, His teachings are deep to pierce the soul to glorify it,

Time and ages support the truth of Shiv cult as antidote for ill of mundane, is the only deity that moves along with departed soul in its journey next till soul attains solidarity in truth next,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Jai Maa Kali,


jai Shani dev


soul and the supreme

 Jai sri Ganesha,

Lord of the universe known in the name of God, has created this world with his will through his Sankalp Eternal, inclusive of spirit and matter, has entered into this world through established link in mind of spirit,

Mind being subtlest of the created objects, is capable of reflecting the Atman most, it is through the pure mind that unalloyed in nature, Atman becomes revealed,

What exists not necessarily revealed, infinite things exists in sphere of this universe but very few are revealed to experience through truth of sel,

There is a gross difference between the Individuality that known in the name of soul and the supreme personality, that Permantam, though identical in subtle reality but maintain a huge difference in gross truth, Individual spirit goes through infinite changeovers while Supreme personality maintain its truth in perennial reality,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, January 3, 2025

nvocating prayers for benediction

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

As per tradition of the human cult offering invocating prayers for benediction is a truth which may helps both ways in journey of life,

If a man propitated in truth with sel, may help self to remove referral obstructions causing hardship to journey,

At its First, Lord Ganesha is known for being remover of obstacles which tends to rise of and on in journey of life, is prayed at its first to meet the truth in prayer,

Next milestone is to reach the light of wisdom and the giver is Goddess Saraswati, her grace will endow with requisite knowledge and wisdom, the most meaningful tools in the journey of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Life as a man

 Jai i Ganesha, 

Life as a man is different altogether for soul, it is to live in in the light of conscious both relative and perennial truth to reach the ultimate destination of soul,

Consciousness is a inner light to discover the hidden target as well as the hidden gate of Body which is discernible to thought and deeds of man in life, 

Mystics, saints and sages have done all in this format for self and enlightened the path for aspirants to follow, they have offered their testimony in many forms and aspect to meet the truth of challenge of being embodied in human skeleton,'

It is for man to wake up and honor their truth through respective deeds as prescribed by the time supported by the truth of saints and sages of the era and ages,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

time to instropect

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

It is time to instropect self in truth with recent past, time to revamp agenda a new on dawn of the day for next chapter of life,

Need not to be dishearten for lacking and failures, life imposes upon individual for varying reasons manifest and hidden causes,

Desires are but natural in journey of life to inspire individual to carry on with, but extravaganzas in truth with desire need to be avoided, 

Try at its best to accommodate the life to rejoice the spirit of journey, imbibe the best from the past and be hopeful and optimistic to felicitate the journey, if things goes with wishes, it is good, if it goes against the accepting horizon, now for sure, something good awaits,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Sri Somvati Amavasya

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Somvati Amavasya is being celebrated in high end enthusiasm by devotees and aspirants to update self with cult of truth and the cause, spirit belongs to,

It not just an conjunct of Sun and the Moon in the name of Amavasya which relates the mind and soul at same pitch but a Yajna to prepare self for the next,

Indeed, the truth of the day support the truth of spirit and help it to attain that sanctity which is a must for human in journey of life on the planet,

An opportunity to attain the religious merits and virtues to dispatch them to that region for ease of journey hereafter,adoration of the day may rewrite the truth of destiny in favor,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Sri Shivratri Today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Shivratri Today on he eve of Sri Somvati Amavasya, a day to mark self in truth with devotion to the lotus feet of Lord Shiva, the supreme personality in Sanatan Cult,

Shiva is the first and last deity in hindu cult to relate the truth and cause in the form of life and existence,

Shiva is much more than what it available to know about him through chapters of time, in one of its aspects, is truth of centrifugal inertia, to impart truth of animation in mortals and immortals,

In an aspect of Life, Shiva is the last resort to reach, in another aspect, Shiva is the life force to bless the individual spirit in its own task to make it to the tune of self in journey of Life,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Mahadev


Jai Shani Dev


Jai Maa Kali


Sri Pradosh Today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Pradosh Today, on the eve of Shivratri, a defined day which may help devotees reach innermost self to quench the desire of being party to that Truth,

Not just a day to adore Lord Shiva, even otherwise flux of the day help in regaining the will power at its optimize truth to sustain in journey of life with truth and dignity,

Attachment to this day in truth with self could a milestone to make it to the truth of self, the most concerned subject in journey of life,

Seekers must enquire themselves unto the truth of mean to disable the cloud of illusion to reach the light of wisdom and adoration of the day in truth with self could be a positive preposition,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Teachings of the ancient sages

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Teachings of the ancient sages are most precious wish yielding gem for man and mankind,

They invested themselves in eternal commitment to reach at the mystic reality of life in the planet,

They created serene ambience from their aura of penance midst of nature to relate the life and respective truth, 

They were great scientist in their own person and create their own eternal tools for acute observation in both facets of life, their sensitivity elaborate the truth of comprehensive relation of celestial bodies to the life on the planet, and lay down the cult of devotion to reach at the pitch of mysticism intac within self,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Sri Ekadasi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ekadasi today, day to adore in truth with self, a day that great giver that embodiment of generosity to help spirit both ways in both worlds,

A defined day to approach and reaproch the self eternal for fair compliance of journey to sail safely,

A day that may help spirit to decorate and redecorate in truth with inherent cult of self in truth with religion eternal,

Adoration of the day help man to reach Prayag of philosophy, mythology and rituals, to have a holy dip to sanctify self, indeed a meaningful gracious day to look upon and adore with truth of self,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Worship of God

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Worship of God has grown into a formidable cult with its own philosophy, myths and rituals, man adore it either compulsion or as duty of being man in journey of life,

It needs a fair realisation to reach the truth of prayer, indeed place, time and occasion plays pivotal role,

Yet simplicity of self in truth with self is a must prerequisite to enjoin this sacred chapters designed for men to sail safely,

Amy mimic show neutralize the truth of this fair aspect, any kind of burden in performing Puja equates the truth of mimic show, living a life in truth with moral and inherent cult of self, itself is a defined truth of prayer for man irrespective of hardship in life,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Hare Rama


Hare Rama


faith in God mostly

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Our faith in God mostly remains pitched on conditions, If it fulfil our earthly desires, it consolidate our faith in God,

If we loss the task and attain to failures in the sphere of life, we are bound to loss faith in God,

Wildness of life visits all with difference of time and put forth hidden challenges to prove self, and it truly needs extra strength and help, giver could be the God alone, 

Though God is beyond the horizon of barter system yet he reacts in truth with reality of individual spirit in cult of life,

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 23, 2024

Transcendental experiences

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Transcendental experiences of all ages have support the truth of eternity though a subtle reality yet a glaring truth for awakened,

Man may deduce a distinction between the times but the truth of reality possessed in core truth of eternity,

Facts unto truth of the day light reality may have their hidden version to support this reality because of mysticism of Maya, the rule of life,

Yet eternity is most valued chapter for men in journey of life to make it to the truth of self in truth with self to sail the life safely,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


 Jai Sri Ganesha,

In broad classification Yoga has its four aspects to relate the life to man with philosophical, emotional and psychic reality,

Karma Yoga is inevitable to all embodied souls to sustain in truth with journey and reach that shore of changeover,

Jnana Yoga is meant for man in gross reality to attain to the truth of being man especially in context with supreme reality to identify with,

Bhakti Yoga is a subtle truth to invoke self to reach the horizon of eternity within self to help self that to reach the sole cause of being Man, There is a Yoga more a superficial in terms but in touch with vibes of all the three relative Yoga and that Known in the name of Raj Yoga, 

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Jai Mahadev


Jai Shani Dev


jai Maa Kali


Time has probed into the mystery of life

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Time has probed into the mystery of life and has revealed many aspects unto truth of virile life,

Human birth in the sphere of life is most covetable , an open end opportunity to embodied soul to make it to the tune of higher destinies,

Human is verily blessed with truth to enter in sublime truth of self to reach the sole cause of being man, 

Time and nature support the human at its best, it is not that time and nature alone but whole celestial cult felicitate the man to recover from the deep down points of being embodied in cult of mundane life, man may make best out of it,

Jai Mahadev 

Friday, December 20, 2024

celestial stream

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The rivers of the country is known for being the life line of the nation, 

But glory of river Ganga is different than others, it is lifeline of the soul in journey of the planet in embodied form,

No religious act can be performed without the water from this Holy River, a guaranteed truth to sanctified both  the Yajna and the performer of Yajna,

Every soul keeps hidden quest t have a holy dip in this celestial stream to ensure safe passage, cult of Posh support this truth in hidden form,

Jai Mahadev 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday Wisdom


strength and all greatness lies within self

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The secret of all strength and all greatness lies within self, and man may attains to, to reach higher ladder of self evolution,

As the starts the process of eternal transforming self through the practice of truth and morality, attains to requisite strength to interface the life at its optimize pitch,

Without truth and morality, life as a man is more a futile than reality,

Truth and moral could be the best ideal since ancient time to make it to the truth of self that to sail safely in mundane reality of this world,

Jai Mahadev 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Ganesh Chaturthi today, a defined day to adore the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha, the bestower of boons and giver of favorable fate,

Day to recall the pastime of Lord Ganesha, the loving son of goddess Gauri, a tangible support for devotees and aspirants, 

Adoration of Lord Ganesha ensure safe passage at that shore of life, and help devotees in their referral and perennial tasks, 

Worship of Lord Ganesha on the day is alike a Yajna that effective and beneficial in all eventualities, anyone who wants to be healthy and happy life may enjoin the elite society of devotees of Lord Ganesha, eternally through mild practice of self in truth with self,

Jai Mahadev 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Hamaro Pranaam


Hare Rama


light and sound show

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Life in broad spectrum is a light and sound show being performed on the planet and varying individuals participating, in individual capacity,

In any Yajna fire and Sound relates the truth of oblations, it could be a physical fire from wood, of eternal fire with oblations through silent pitch of sound or manifest truth of respective pitch of verses,

As the oblations are made, eternal evolutions starts at once, but it needs persistent approach to maintain it,

Fumigations of respective materials in Yajna yields eternally in subtle truth of self, it matters the most to soul in embodied form, 

Jai Mahadev 

Monday, December 16, 2024

The mystic month

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

The mystic month from the celestial calendar posh is here with dawn of cult divine to earn religious merits through discipline of life in truth with morality,

The Punarvasu and Pushyani constellation rules the truth of this month, Sri Aditi and Lord Jupiter will felicitate the truth of this mystic cult,

The cult of the month is hosted by Sobhya and Shubha Yoga, hence a easy milestone to reach for aspirants and devotees to make it for their eternal self,

Lot of religious events will take place both ways to charm the spirit to make it for eternal growth to meet the truth of final destination safely,

Jai Mahadev 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Sri Snana Daan Purnima today

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

Sri Snana Daan Purnima today, it will last till 2:23 PM, thereby starts new horizon of Paush/ Posh, a month with many mystic realities to highlight the Yathard of life and its varying relates, also known in the name of Mal Mass,

This Paush/ posh month of celestial cult will last till 13th January till 4 AM next morning, and paves the path to welcome Sacred Magh, on 14th January, the day of Makar Sankranti, which relates the truth Makar Rashi that zodiac sign capricorn, 

Paush Purnima at the threshold of Makar Sankranti is a unique milestone for aspirants and devotees to update self in inherent cult of self,

 After many decades this coincidence occur to celebrate and rejoice eternally, this will be a legendary occasion to enjoin the Yajna by divinties in the Name of Kumbh,

Jai Mahadev 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Jai Shani Dev

 Jai Sri Ganesha,

If any one at its deep down reality of crises,

If persist shadow of failure stalking since a long,

If weakness of self has become more than burden to bear,

Take refuge in lotus feet of Lord Saturn for dawn of the new chapter with new lease of life in truth with realized self,

Jai Mahadev,

Jai Shani Dev

 JaI sri Ganesha,

Saturday light is here to dispel the dark of delusion and heal the wounds of journey,

In refuge of Bhagwan Shani Dev, prayer is heard and tears are wiped, differed justice is referred, 

Compassionate truth of Lord is verily experience by the devotees, 

Dark of the ill fate is eliminated  with sincere appeal in lotus feet of Lord,

Jai Mahadev 

Jai Shani Dev


Jai Maa Kali