Sat Guru

Sat Guru
Bhagwan Shiv

Friday, February 8, 2008

lord shiva.

Lord Shiva who can make the animate to inanimate & inanimate to animate: the souls that adore an omnipotent lord are blessed indeed. It is clear matter of faith & devotional spirit which experienced the glory of lord in life in its varying pace their in.

Lord is always take care of his devotees & associates them in different form & different mode to help them to their need & rescue them of their sufferings on the subject of life. It is lord Shiva who is lord of universe & serves the devotees with respect to their faith & truth of their heart.

I reverence lord Shiva, the progeny of Brahma, the very root of the tree of piety, the full moon that brings joy to the ocean of wisdom, the sun that opens the lotus of dispassion, the wind that disperses the clouds of ignorance, who dispel the thick darkness of sin and eradicates the threefold agony and who wipes off obloquy.

May lord bless all on the subject of true life.

Thanks please.